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Democrats Emerge the Clear Choice for Voters in Illinois’ 10th Congressional District

“Tenth Dems congratulates all of our wonderful Democratic candidates. Some of our victorious candidates include Tammy Duckworth, Susana Mendoza, Kim Foxx, Brad Schneider, Melinda Bush, Julie Morrison, Sam Yingling, Carol Sente, and Erin Cartwright Weinstein.

Overall, last Tuesday was an overwhelming success for the people of the 10th District. Democrats up and down the ballot won. Some candidates were strongly favored, while some surprised prognosticators. All were part of a ticket that withstood the rightward pull seen in so many areas of the country.

In one of the most closely-watched races this cycle, Democrat Brad Schneider comfortably defeated incumbent Republican Congressman Bob Dold. Schneider’s victory was a repudiation of Dold’s double talk and a clear signal that voters want someone to act on their behalf, not someone who just says what they want to hear. Now, more than ever, the people of the 10th District must be represented in Washington by someone who is not afraid to stand up to Donald Trump and a right-wing Congress if and when they continue their assault on the environment, gun violence legislation, women’s choice, immigration reform, and an economy that works for all. Fortunately, Brad Schneider is the voice the 10th District needs.

Tenth Dems is proud to have helped so many 2016 candidates who will continue to build on the progress we’ve made nationally, statewide, and locally, and who will stand up to those looking to take us backwards.”

A Message From the Founding Chair

Dear Friends,

laurenI know how you feel. I feel the same way. The outcome of the presidential election upset me, too. And, let’s face it, the country that we live in will be different—for the time being at least—from what we had envisioned. That much is undeniable.

But you know what? I’ve been here before. Several years ago, as a member of the Illinois state legislature, I ran for Congress in one of the most closely-watched races in the entire country that year. It was tough. It was close. And I lost with 49% of the vote.

I’d be lying if I said losing that campaign didn’t hurt—it did. But I turned my disappointment into action. We founded Tenth Dems. For over a decade now, our grassroots group has worked to elect Democrats to all levels of government within the 10th Congressional District. Since then Democrats won control of Congress, giving the country its first female Speaker of the House. My General Assembly colleague Barack Obama won his Senate campaign in Illinois and then won two presidential elections. And the House seat that almost went to Democrats in 2000 has now been won twice by Brad Schneider!

A lot has happened…but not by accident. Boy, have things changed from the days when I served as the only Democratic legislator in the state legislature from Lake County! We have won so many races. And in 2016, while other parts of the country saw a rightward pull, the 10th District bucked the trend and elected Democrats up and down the ballot.

Congratulations to all of our wonderful Democratic candidates. Some of our victorious candidates include Tammy Duckworth, Susana Mendoza, Brad Schneider, Kim Foxx, Melinda Bush, Julie Morrison, Sam Yingling, Carol Sente, and Erin Cartwright Weinstein. We’re grateful to all the candidates who ran under the Democratic banner, whether they won or lost, and were willing to put themselves forward in order to make our world a better place. Your work helping to grow the Democratic infrastructure WILL make a difference. Thank you.

In one of the most closely-watched races this campaign cycle, Democrat Brad Schneider defeated the incumbent Republican Congressman. Now, more than ever, the people of the 10th District must be represented in Washington by someone who is not afraid to stand up to Donald Trump and a right-wing Congress when they continue their assault on the environment, gun violence legislation, women’s choice, immigration reform, LGBT rights, and an economy that works for all. Fortunately, we will have Brad fighting for all of us.

And I’m so glad that Brad will represent us in the Illinois delegation along with Tammy Duckworth, who defeated Republican Mark Kirk to become our new U.S. Senator from Illinois. I must say, this is a defeat I’ve been working toward for a very long time.

Tenth Dems activists helped make a significant difference for our local 2016 candidates. Those candidates will continue to build on the progress we’ve made nationally and locally and will stand up to those looking to take us backwards.

In the end, we get the elected officials we want by starting at the grassroots level, whether it’s knocking on doors, making phone calls, or staffing offices. Though it was a good night for many of our candidates in the 10th District, the national results were heartbreaking.

So, friends, take some time (but not very much) and let’s dust ourselves off and get started again soon. It’s the only way we can build on the momentum we created in 2016. I know we can do it together.


Hon. Lauren Beth Gash
Tenth Dems Founding Chair

November newsletter


Tenth Dems November Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our November newsletter as a pdf file:


And be sure to come to the Annual Awards Dinner, featuring keynote speaker Scott Turow, tomorrow night, Tuesday, November 1, at 7 p.m. at the Embassy Suites, 1445 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield.  Register here.

In this issue of Tenth News:

Why Tammy Will Triumph

State Senator Julie Morrison to Receive Mikva Leadership Award at Tenth Dems Annual Awards Dinner

Congress Watch: Mark Kirk and Bob Dold, Candidates of the Party of Trump, Do Not Deserve Your Vote     

A Tale of Two Parties: Why Bob Dold and Mark Kirk Should Share Defeat with Donald Trump

It Has All Happened Before

Why You Should Love Hillary Clinton

Tenth Dems Talk Politics in Vernon Hills

Trump Misogyny in Context

Personal PAC Annual Awards Luncheon Features Gloria Steinem

Donald Trump — A Real Man He is NOT!

The Affordable Care Act: Where It Began, and Where It Stands Today


Why Tammy Will Triumph

By Eleonora di Liscia

Reaching back to an old, but effective, playbook, Republicans have been conducting a campaign of lies to “swift boat” Tammy Duckworth.  It won’t work.

State Senator Julie Morrison to Receive Mikva Leadership Award at Tenth Dems Annual Awards Dinner

State Senator Julie Morrison is being honored November 1 at the Tenth Dems Annual Awards Dinner, keynoted by best-selling author, prominent attorney, and civil justice advocate Scott Turow.  It will be a memorable evening.  Read here about some of Sen. Morrison’s accomplishments.

Congress Watch: Mark Kirk and Bob Dold, Candidates of the Party of Trump, Do Not Deserve Your Vote

By Barbara Altman     

Early voting in the 2016 Election is already underway. If you have not yet cast your ballot, you should read about why a vote for Bob Dold and Mark Kirk is the wrong choice to make.

A Tale of Two Parties: Why Bob Dold and Mark Kirk Should Share Defeat with Donald Trump

By Barbara Altman

If you’re not already convinced that Bob Dold and Mark Kirk should be defeated this November, consider their party’s standard bearer, Donald Trump, and think about how Dold and Kirk have contributed to the political climate that has allowed a candidate like Trump to represent their Republican Party.  

It Has All Happened Before

By Ron Altman

The word “unprecedented” has been used, perhaps too often, to describe what has taken place so far in this election cycle. If you’re repulsed by Trump but aren’t in love with Hillary Clinton, a little history might put things in perspective.

Why You Should Love Hillary Clinton

By Eleonora di Liscia

With all the outright lies being told about Hillary Clinton, here are some actual facts about her stellar career in public service.

Tenth Dems Talk Politics in Vernon Hills

By Laurence D. Schiller

A recent Let’s Talk Politics event turned out a large group eager to discuss the issues.

Trump Misogyny in Context

By Anne Wedner

All the talk surrounding Donald Trump’s views about women help mask other critical issues that render him totally unqualified to be President.

Personal PAC Annual Awards Luncheon Features Gloria Steinem

By Carol Hillsberg

A contingent of Tenth Dems enjoyed the Personal PAC Awards Luncheon on October 13, and especially the keynote address given by the incomparable Gloria Steinem.

Donald Trump — A Real Man He is NOT!

By Steven Gan

The title of this month’s Personal Perspective says it all.

The Affordable Care Act: Where It Began, and Where It Stands Today

By Murray L. Levin, M.D.

The Affordable Care Act has its flaws, but the Right’s attempts to undo this legislation ignore the many improvements it has brought to a deeply flawed American healthcare system.  A Hillary Clinton administration, with the support of a Congress willing to legislate, would build on Obamacare’s many virtues, to the benefit of all Americans.


6 Questions Republican Congressman Bob Dold needs to answer

Deerfield, IL — Republican Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10) has said voting for Hillary Clinton would be a “disaster” and that he would not support her over Donald Trump (NBC, 10/17/16). Every reasonable person knows that if Hillary Clinton does not become the next President, then the dangerous and unfit Donald Trump will.


With that in mind, here are some questions for Bob Dold to answer. People having the opportunity to pose them to Dold at upcoming forums and debates or on the campaign trail at a different time should ask Dold the following:

  1. Does Bob Dold think Donald Trump, a person who threatened to jail his political opponent, who believes climate change is a hoax, who wants to abolish the EPA, who wants to punish women who have abortions, who thinks adding more guns prevents mass shootings, who’s boasted about grabbing women by their genitals, who’s been accused of inappropriate groping, and who wants to repeal birthright citizenship, would be a better President than Hillary Clinton? If so, please explain. If he thinks Trump would be worse — something Bob Dold has not even said — why won’t Dold endorse Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump?
  2. Does Bob Dold think America would be safer if Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were commander-in-chief with access to the nuclear codes?
  3. Who would appoint better justices to the Supreme Court — Hillary Clinton, who wants to protect Roe v. Wade or Donald Trump, who has said he wants to appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade?
  4. Bob Dold headlined a fundraiser called “Beat Hillary at the Distillery” for a pro-Trump group. How many anti-Trump fundraisers has Dold headlined?
  5. Why hasn’t Bob Dold publicly urged his supporters to not vote for Donald Trump?
  6. Why does Bob Dold think numerous Republicans who have served in Republican Administrations have endorsed Hillary Clinton for President but no House Republican up for election this fall, including Dold, has endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Bob Dold claims to be a problem solver, but either Bob Dold doesn’t think a Trump presidency would be a problem or he’s not interested in solving it, even though a Trump presidency would damage the lives of 10th District voters who care about women’s choice, the environment, immigration reform, and gun violence.

Voting is underway. Trump and Pence have not been stopped.

It’s clear that Bob Dold lacks the courage and/or the judgment to continue to represent the 10th District. This November, Dold will be voted out of the office he’s proven to put above the interests of the people of the 10th District.

Local Democrats: Bob Dold’s Pro-Trump Actions Undermine His Rhetoric

The Illinois Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) released the following statement:

“During this entire 2016 campaign cycle, Republican Congressman Bob Dold has been content with publicly posturing, like in his recent campaign ad, that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equal. Away from the cameras, Dold has taken the shameful step of actually helping Trump’s cause by headlining a ‘Beat Hillary’ fundraiser for his Republican base.

Nobody who claims to be pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-immigration, and pro-gun safety reform would equate Clinton-Kaine with Trump-Pence.

Yet Bob Dold, like every other Republican in Congress running this fall, has refused to endorse Hillary Clinton, the only viable alternative to Donald Trump.

In 2012, Dold endorsed Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama, saying the election was about ‘the direction of the country’ and the ‘American Compact that is we leave our country better for the next generation than the ones we received from our parents and grandparents.’ That’s right—Bob Dold was willing to endorse Mitt Romney to get rid of President Obama for the sake of the country, but Dold is unwilling to take a stand between Clinton and Trump. Congressman Dold, how could President Obama be worth stopping but not Donald Trump?

Voting is underway. Trump and Pence have not been stopped.

It’s clear that Bob Dold lacks the courage or the judgment to continue to represent the 10th District. We’re confident he will be voted out of the office he’s proven to put above the interests of the people of the 10th District.”


(above) Bob Dold headlined an anti-Clinton fundraiser for a group making Trump signs; (below) “Sold On Dold” campaign button on Trump hat at the group’s picnic a week later