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Fact Check: Dold funded Trump turnout operation, despite rhetoric

10250109_10152345788268756_7152906309193537781_nDeerfield, IL — With less than two weeks before Election Day, Republican Rep. Bob Dold continues to say one thing while doing another. Dold is hoping splashy TV ads distort reality: Bob Dold wants 10th District voters to think he doesn’t support Donald Trump, but behind the scenes Dold supports the groups turning out the vote for Trump in Lake County.

Here is reality: “The Lake County Republicans are working to turn Illinois into a red state. From now until the election, calls on behalf of Donald Trump, as well as other local GOP candidates will be made from Lake County Republican Headquarters, 320 Peterson Road, Libertyville” (Lake County Republican Federation e-newsletter, 10/25/16). The Lake County Republican Central Committee (whose website is and the Lake County Republican Federation are located at that address.

After publicly claiming he wouldn’t support Donald Trump, Bob Dold headlined a closed-door “Beat Hillary at the Distillery” fundraiser for the Lake County Republican Central Committee and the Lake County Republican Federation.

Bob Dold’s campaign has given the local Republican groups money over the years, including $2,250 to the Lake County Republican Central Committee and $1,850 to the Lake County Republican Federation during the 2016 cycle (Illinois State Board of Elections).

In addition to phone calls getting out the vote, a voter guide from Lake County Republicans encourages the election of Donald Trump. An anti-Hillary, “Let’s Make America Great Again!” message is included in the Lake County Republicans’ voter guide. The disclaimer at the bottom reads, “Paid for by the Lake County Republican Central Committee.”


Custom-made Trump yard signs displayed with the Lake County Republicans’ website have been created, and they’re paid for by the Lake County Republican Central Committee.


Here is Chairman of the Lake County Republican Central Committee Mark Shaw wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat with the Lake County Republicans’ website on it, posing next to Trump supporter, former Rep. Joe Walsh, at the Lake County Republicans’ picnic.


Trump yard signs are available on the Lake County Republicans’ website at

The Lake County Republicans bring a Donald Trump cutout with them to events, like the one below at the Lake County Fair:


It’s clear Bob Dold backs partisan groups that aren’t accidentally dialing for Donald but ones that actually support him and are working to elect Trump. Double Talk Dold can look into the camera and say otherwise, but 10th District voters know better than to believe more campaign rhetoric from Republican Bob Dold.

This aligns with other Dold behavior regarding the presidential race:

  • Dold said voting for Hillary Clinton would be a “disaster” and a “mess” — stronger rhetoric than he’s ever publicly used about Trump (NBC Ward Room, 10/17/16).
  • Dold has held zero “Beat Trump” fundraisers.
  • Dold described Hillary Clinton in a TV ad as “what’s wrong with politics” for asking people to look at Donald Trump’s record. He compared that statement to Trump calling Clinton the devil.

Republican Congressman Bob Dold Tried Stopping Obama But Won’t Stop Trump

Deerfield, IL —  Republican Congressman Bob Dold’s private fundraiser with the previous losing Republican presidential candidate tonight highlights just how out of touch Bob Dold is with the people of the 10th District.

Bob Dold in 2012: Dold endorsed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama, saying the election was about “the direction of the country” and the “American Compact that is we leave our country better for the next generation than the ones we received from our parents and grandparents.”

Bob Dold in 2016: With the politically toxic Donald Trump at the top of his party’s ticket, Bob Dold suddenly thinks the presidential race doesn’t affect “the direction the country“and “the next generation.” Dold’s gone quiet. That is, of course, if you don’t count Bob Dold headlining a “Beat Hillary” fundraiser for pro-Trump Republicans, saying Clinton would be “a disaster” and not good for the country, and even going so far as to equate Clinton’s desire to look at Donald Trump’s record of mistreating workers with Trump calling Hillary Clinton the devil.

Why was Bob Dold willing to endorse Mitt Romney to get rid of President Obama for the sake of the country but is unwilling to take a stand between Clinton and Trump? How could Bob Dold think President Obama was worth stopping but not Donald Trump?

Nobody who claims to be pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-immigration reform, and pro-gun safety reform would equate a Trump presidency with a Clinton presidency. It’s about more than rhetoric to the people whose lives would be harmed by a Trump presidency. If he actually thought those issues were worth fighting for, Bob Dold would endorse Hillary Clinton and urge his supporters not to vote for Donald Trump.

Instead, Bob Dold, like every other Republican in Congress running this fall, has refused to endorse Hillary Clinton, the only viable alternative to Donald Trump. 

It’s clear that Bob Dold lacks the courage or the judgment to continue to represent the 10th District.


6 Questions Republican Congressman Bob Dold needs to answer

Deerfield, IL — Republican Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10) has said voting for Hillary Clinton would be a “disaster” and that he would not support her over Donald Trump (NBC, 10/17/16). Every reasonable person knows that if Hillary Clinton does not become the next President, then the dangerous and unfit Donald Trump will.


With that in mind, here are some questions for Bob Dold to answer. People having the opportunity to pose them to Dold at upcoming forums and debates or on the campaign trail at a different time should ask Dold the following:

  1. Does Bob Dold think Donald Trump, a person who threatened to jail his political opponent, who believes climate change is a hoax, who wants to abolish the EPA, who wants to punish women who have abortions, who thinks adding more guns prevents mass shootings, who’s boasted about grabbing women by their genitals, who’s been accused of inappropriate groping, and who wants to repeal birthright citizenship, would be a better President than Hillary Clinton? If so, please explain. If he thinks Trump would be worse — something Bob Dold has not even said — why won’t Dold endorse Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump?
  2. Does Bob Dold think America would be safer if Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were commander-in-chief with access to the nuclear codes?
  3. Who would appoint better justices to the Supreme Court — Hillary Clinton, who wants to protect Roe v. Wade or Donald Trump, who has said he wants to appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade?
  4. Bob Dold headlined a fundraiser called “Beat Hillary at the Distillery” for a pro-Trump group. How many anti-Trump fundraisers has Dold headlined?
  5. Why hasn’t Bob Dold publicly urged his supporters to not vote for Donald Trump?
  6. Why does Bob Dold think numerous Republicans who have served in Republican Administrations have endorsed Hillary Clinton for President but no House Republican up for election this fall, including Dold, has endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Bob Dold claims to be a problem solver, but either Bob Dold doesn’t think a Trump presidency would be a problem or he’s not interested in solving it, even though a Trump presidency would damage the lives of 10th District voters who care about women’s choice, the environment, immigration reform, and gun violence.

Voting is underway. Trump and Pence have not been stopped.

It’s clear that Bob Dold lacks the courage and/or the judgment to continue to represent the 10th District. This November, Dold will be voted out of the office he’s proven to put above the interests of the people of the 10th District.

Local Democrats: Bob Dold’s Pro-Trump Actions Undermine His Rhetoric

The Illinois Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) released the following statement:

“During this entire 2016 campaign cycle, Republican Congressman Bob Dold has been content with publicly posturing, like in his recent campaign ad, that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equal. Away from the cameras, Dold has taken the shameful step of actually helping Trump’s cause by headlining a ‘Beat Hillary’ fundraiser for his Republican base.

Nobody who claims to be pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-immigration, and pro-gun safety reform would equate Clinton-Kaine with Trump-Pence.

Yet Bob Dold, like every other Republican in Congress running this fall, has refused to endorse Hillary Clinton, the only viable alternative to Donald Trump.

In 2012, Dold endorsed Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama, saying the election was about ‘the direction of the country’ and the ‘American Compact that is we leave our country better for the next generation than the ones we received from our parents and grandparents.’ That’s right—Bob Dold was willing to endorse Mitt Romney to get rid of President Obama for the sake of the country, but Dold is unwilling to take a stand between Clinton and Trump. Congressman Dold, how could President Obama be worth stopping but not Donald Trump?

Voting is underway. Trump and Pence have not been stopped.

It’s clear that Bob Dold lacks the courage or the judgment to continue to represent the 10th District. We’re confident he will be voted out of the office he’s proven to put above the interests of the people of the 10th District.”


(above) Bob Dold headlined an anti-Clinton fundraiser for a group making Trump signs; (below) “Sold On Dold” campaign button on Trump hat at the group’s picnic a week later

Republican Congressman Bob Dold’s Mike Pence Problem

Bob Dold’s Embrace Of Pence Foreshadowed His Own Anti-Women’s Choice Record

dold on floor of gop conventionDeerfield, IL — Was it worth the money? When he tried to get into office during the Tea Party wave of 2010, Republican Bob Dold (IL-10) had no problem taking $1,000 from then-Congressman Mike Pence. This foreshadowed Bob Dold’s consistent willingness to go along with the worst anti-choice elements of his Republican Party.

Back in 2007, Mike Pence sponsored legislation in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. Pence’s move sparked the battle over Planned Parenthood that shamefully continues to this day, in large part because Pence went after Planned Parenthood again and again and again.

Did Bob Dold not know or just not care about Pence’s anti-choice crusade when Dold took Pence’s money?

Now Bob Dold refuses to stop the destruction, especially to women’s reproductive rights, that would result from a Trump-Pence victory. In fact, rather than take on Pence, a darling of the Republican base that Dold needs to turn out in a competitive race, for his appalling record on women’s choice, Bob Dold headlined a “Beat Hillary” fundraiser instead. Why is Bob Dold trying to beat Hillary Clinton instead of stopping the only presidential ticket with someone — Pence — who signed eight anti-abortion bills into law?

And while Pence has garnered national notoriety for his radical right-wing agenda, Bob Dold has established a less high-profile yet harmful pattern of anti-choice behavior —NARAL said “Dold has spent his time in Congress obsessed with banning abortion and smearing Planned Parenthood”–that is out of touch with the 10th District:

  • Dold introduced a measure to withhold funding of Planned Parenthood for 90 days
  • Dold voted for the ‘Let Women Die’ Act that would have allowed hospitals to refuse life-saving care if it conflicted with their corporate religious beliefs
  • Dold has headlined campaign events for some of the most vehemently anti-choice Republican candidates in Lake County, including candidates supported by Pro-Life Victory PAC and Lake County Life PAC. This includes the legislator who led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood in Illinois. Nevertheless, Dold referred to this year’s Republican slate as “the strongest that I’ve seen certainly in my time in politics.”
  • Dold voted for the Conscience Protection Act — a bill praised by right-wing groups, it would undermine women’s ability to obtain safe, legal abortion care and put women’s health at serious risk in emergencies.

“Vulnerable politicians say a lot of things but true pro-choice advocates don’t do the things that Republican Bob Dold has done,” said Tenth Dems Managing Vice-Chair Barbara Altman. “People like Bob Dold enable people like Mike Pence. And the people of the 10th District deserve better.”
