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February Newsletter: Martin Luther King; Preventing Gun Violence

February 2013 Newsletter

Tenth Dems February Newsletter
Please follow the link to view our February newsletter as a pdf file:

We welcome you to a Special Edition of Tenth News that we devote exclusively to the issue of gun safety, with a number of viewpoints on what needs to be done to combat the epidemic of gun violence in our society. In this Special Edition of Tenth News:

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January Newsletter – Missed the Party? We’ve Got Photos!

Please follow the link to view our January newsletter as a pdf file:

In this issue of Tenth News:

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Tenth News Dec. 2012 – Post-Election Analysis

Tenth Dems December Newsletter
Please follow the link to view our December newsletter as a pdf file:

In this issue of Tenth News:

My Year of Leslie Knope-ness
by Pat Ferruzza
So what’s it like to run for office – to stitch together a campaign and put yourself before the voters? For this first-time candidate, the experience was…priceless!

Post-Election Analysis: Reasons to Be Thankful
by John Hmurovic
Now that the smoke has cleared from the 2012 election, there’s no better time to analyze the victories Democrats achieved at so many levels in and around the 10th Congressional District.

Community Connection Makes a Difference in the Northern Part of the 10th District
by Ilya Sheyman
Tenth Dems Community Connection in Waukegan is now two years old. This “infant” is walking, talking, and making big things happen. Politics is about more than elections.

Tenth Dems Voter Protection Team on the Scene
by Eleonora di Liscia
Does every vote matter? For those dedicated volunteers working with the Tenth Dems Voter Protection Team, making sure that everyone who wanted to cast a ballot on Election Day actually did proved as challenging as it was rewarding.

What a Great Night!
by Steve Sheffey
Here’s another view, from one grateful partisan, of what Election Night 2012 meant to Democrats, locally and nationally.

It Isn’t About the Message
by Jack Altschuler
What lessons can be learned from the 2012 election? After all the attack ads, the posturing and hyperbole, what are we to make of the results? This author has some strong opinions.

2012 Jewish Vote Not Swayed by Republican Super PAC Spending
by Richard Goldwasser
Tenth News has frequently chronicled President Obama’s unwavering support for Israel during his first term and Republicans’ efforts to lure some of the traditionally strong Jewish support away from the Democrats. Now that the election is over, how did the Republican strategy work?

You’re Invited
The Tenth Congressional District Democrats Annual Holiday Membership Party is fast approaching, and we’d love to see you there! For the Where and When, look inside.

Fundraiser photos — Special Edition of Tenth News

HELP us reach out to voters across the Tenth District.  Feel free to share our newsletter with your friends.  Just email them with the address of our website at:

Read the newsletter here.


Nov. 2012 Newsletter: Urgent Election Issue


Tenth Dems November Newsletter
Please follow the link to view our November newsletter as a pdf file:

In this Pre-election issue of Tenth News:


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