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Bob Dold headlines anti-Clinton fundraiser

doldscowlDeerfield, IL — While the country becomes more and more disturbed by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and several Republicans are coming out to support Hillary Clinton, Republican Rep. Bob Dold (IL-10) is moving in the opposite direction.

Despite saying he’s not endorsing Trump or Clinton but is supporting a mysterious, unknown write-in candidate, Dold is now headlining a partisan Republican event called “Beat Hillary at the Distillery.”

The Lake County Republican fundraiser is scheduled for September 10th in Green Oaks. Congressional Republicans Peter Roskam and Randy Hultgren also will be attending “Beat Hillary at the Distillery” with their colleague Dold.

Democrats, independents, and many Republicans are trying to stop Trump. Not only does Dold refuse to stop Trump but he’s actually working with Republicans to beat Hillary Clinton.

Trump is wildly unpopular in Illinois’ 10th District. Voters are eager to reject him and politicians like Bob Dold who help Trump.

See: Full PDF invitation from the Lake County Republican Central Committee, the Lake County Republican Federation, the Women’s Republican Club of Lake Forest-Lake Bluff, and the Republican Assembly of Lake County.

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August Newsletter: Find your friends in the photos

August 2016 newsletter

Please follow the link to view our August newsletter as a pdf file:


In this issue of Tenth News:

A Photogenic Fourth!

Brad Schneider Endorsed by National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare; Bob Dold “Not a Friend of Seniors”

Congress Watch: Dold’s House and Kirk’s Senate Take a Seven-Week Vacation After Doing Nearly Nothing All Year

Proposal to Lift the Cap on Payroll Tax Contributions Would Guarantee Social Security Solvency

In Memory of Abner Mikva: He Made the World a Better Place, One Person at a Time

The Legacy of Ab Mikva

Moraine Township Dems Party with Our Party in Highland Park

In the Doldrums

If You Feel the Economy Has Left You Behind, Vote Democratic

Off the Mark!

Governor Mike Pence: The Poster Child for Homophobia in America

State Senator Julie Morrison Launches Reelection Bid in June and Announces Gun Violence Prevention Legislation in July

Magic Beans


A Photogenic Fourth!

See how Democratic candidates and their supporters celebrated Independence Day. Photos can be found throughout this issue.

Brad Schneider Endorsed by National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare; Bob Dold “Not a Friend of Seniors”

By Barbara Altman

The social safety net, particularly Social Security and Medicare, was the subject of a recent senior roundtable held in Waukegan. 10th District Democratic Congressional candidate Brad Schneider was on hand to receive a major endorsement and tout his support for these programs.

Congress Watch: Dold’s House and Kirk’s Senate Take a Seven-Week Vacation After Doing Nearly Nothing All Year

By Laurence D. Schiller

Already historically unproductive, Congress…just went on vacation for seven weeks!

Proposal to Lift the Cap on Payroll Tax Contributions Would Guarantee Social Security Solvency

A simple proposal that is unlikely to see light of day in a Republican-controlled Congress would guarantee Social Security solvency for decades.

In Memory of Abner Mikva: He Made the World a Better Place, One Person at a Time

By Lonni Berkley

The first of two articles on the remarkable Abner Mikva focuses on the impact he had on the author’s life.

The Legacy of Ab Mikva

By Mark Rosenberg

Abner Mikva will live on through more than personal memories; his legacy will last through the continuation of a singular program that bears his name.

Moraine Township Dems Party with Our Party in Highland Park

Moraine Dems’ annual Party with Our Party on July 13 drew a festive crowd, and Tenth News was there taking lots of pictures that we’ve scattered throughout this issue.

In the Doldrums

A contract with his Republican Party gives Bob Dold access to party money to finance his campaign against Brad Schneider.

If You Feel the Economy Has Left You Behind, Vote Democratic

By Murray Levin

Many who have not benefited from improved economic conditions in this country have been persuaded to place blame everywhere but where it should be placed. Our author deals in facts. sticky things that they are, are here to help.

Off the Mark!

Mark Kirk’s Senate career is marked by opposition to equal pay for women.

Governor Mike Pence: The Poster Child for Homophobia in America

By Steven Gan – A Personal Perspective

One of Donald Trump’s running mate’s claims to fame is promoting legislation to undermine the rights of LGBT Americans.

State Senator Julie Morrison Launches Reelection Bid in June and Announces Gun Violence Prevention Legislation in July

State Senator Julie Morrison is as busy introducing new bills as she is campaigning for reelection, and gun violence prevention is her latest cause.

Magic Beans

By Jack Altschuler

The recent vote in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union should serve as a cautionary tale to those in the United States who wish to effect a similar kind of radical change in this country.

Tenth Dems Mourns The Loss Of Ab Mikva

Deerfield, IL — The Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) mourns the passing of the Hon. Abner “Ab” Mikva. Mikva was known nationally thanks in part to his work in the White House and as a federal judge. Ab also was beloved by the people of the 10th District.

Mikva was elected as the Congressman from Illinois’ 10th District before his appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals by President Jimmy Carter. He served admirably, inspiring countless people over the years.

“Ab Mikva is one of the finest public servants I have ever known,” said Tenth Dems’ Founding Chair and former state legislator, Lauren Beth Gash. “His integrity and zeal to make the world a better place are legendary.”

Since 2007, Tenth Dems has awarded annually the Abner Mikva Political Leadership Award. On most occasions, Ab himself was able to present the award to the recipient, making it even more of an honor.

Ab will be sorely missed but his legacy lives on through the generations of people he inspired, especially those of us with Tenth Dems who were fortunate to see his exemplary character up close.

Tenth Dems is a grassroots organization that works to elect Democrats to all levels within Illinois’ 10th Congressional District.

July Newsletter – The not so independent Republicans

July newsletter

Tenth Dems July Newsletter
Please follow the link to view our July newsletter as a pdf file:

In this issue of Tenth News:

Community Connection Corner: During ArtWauk, Dems Debate and Strategize

Congress Watch Extra: Dold Talks Big But Helps His Party Block House Vote On Gun Violence Prevention

Congress Watch: Double-Talk Dold Is No Friend of the Environment

A Lesson From Jane Austen About How We Judge Character

Brad Schneider Meets with Moraine Township Democrats

In the Doldrums – Bob Dold’s positions exposed.

Women (and Some Good Men) Show Support for Brad Schneider

Trump Through the Eyes of a Child

Off the Mark — Mark Kirk’s positions exposed.

A Personal Perspective: When Will These Massacres Stop?

Shifting the Focus: How to Move the Democrats Left Without Electing President Trump

Community Connection Corner: During ArtWauk, Dems Debate and Strategize

By Barbara Altman (with Mary Turley, Candidate for Lake County Board)

A beautiful late spring evening provided a perfect backdrop for a nosh and some politics at the Tenth Dems Community Connection office in Waukegan.

Congress Watch Extra: Dold Talks Big But Helps His Party Block House Vote on Gun Violence Prevention

By Barbara Altman

10th Congressional District residents are beginning to catch on to Bob Dold’s “bipartisan fake-out,” and his latest shenanigans surrounding prospective gun legislation in the House.

Congress Watch: Double-Talk Dold Is No Friend of the Environment

By Laurence D. Schiller

It’s a double dose of Dold! There’s just so much evidence to support the notion that Bob Dold is really a staunch defender of the Republican right-wing agenda that it made perfect sense to serve up a second helping of Congress Watch this month to put forward the real truth.

A Lesson From Jane Austen About How We Judge Character

By Eleonora di Liscia

What does a Jane Austen novel have to do with the 2016 Presidential campaign? You’ll have to read the article to find out.

Brad Schneider Meets with Moraine Township Democrats – A Photo Essay

In the Doldrums

Dold supports the Ryan Budget, which would repeal Medicare as we know it.

Women (and Some Good Men) Show Support for Brad Schneider – A Photo Essay

Trump Through the Eyes of a Child

By Pam Idleburg

Leave it to a child to put into perspective the hateful invective being spewed by Donald Trump.

Off the Mark

Kirk has opposed bills that would help students afford higher education.

A Personal Perspective: When Will These Massacres Stop?

By Steven Gan

The nightmare in Orlando is but the latest in an ever-increasing number of mass murders that demand an honest examination about where the responsibility truly lies and what we, the people, must do to prevent more bloodshed.

Shifting the Focus: How to Move the Democrats Left Without Electing President Trump

By Eleonora di Liscia

The election of Ronald Reagan ushered in an era of rightward drift of both major political parties. This year’s election can reverse that trend once and for all. Hillary Clinton’s victory—and a decisive loss for Republicans up and down the ticket—could marginalize the far right and empower Democrats to move back toward the left.

Reality Check: Dold blocks gun bill hours after speech

Hours after promising action, Rep. Dold sides with party, blocks bill to keep guns from people on terrorist watch list

a324345b-0945-4443-8b8f-d6356802ff28Deerfield, IL — Today’s behavior shows why Republican Rep. Bob Dold (IL-10) needs to be replaced this November. There is a jarring disconnect between his words and his actions. When it comes to keeping guns out of the hands of people on the terrorist watch list, Rep. Bob Dold’s rhetoric doesn’t match reality.

“Thoughts and prayers are not enough.”
“It’s time for action.”
“We cannot allow partisanship to define this debate.”

Less than three hours after saying those words on the floor of the House of Representatives, Republican Rep. Bob Dold voted with his party to block action on the ‘No Fly, No Buy’ bill — for the 12th time.

Sorry, Congressman Dold, but you don’t get credit for co-sponsoring legislation if you proceed to block it. Empty promises from vulnerable career politicians aren’t enough.

Gun violence is a serious issue for the 10th District. Dold is great at getting headlines for himself but terrible at reflecting 10th District values when it counts.

Update: Dold’s claim that he never blocked the bill is wrong and is politics at its worst:

(1) Procedural votes determine what legislation Congress will vote on.

(2) The dozen procedural votes mentioned are not “unrelated.” In each case Democrats were asking Republicans to pause the current discussion to vote on Democrats’ gun safety legislation instead. In each case every Republican (including Dold) voted to continue the current debate rather than vote on the gun bill.

(3) Democrats offer the “No Fly, No Buy” bill during debate on other bills because Republicans will not allow gun safety legislation to be considered at all. Ever. There is no other time for Democrats to try. That is why the votes appear to be related to other issues. Every vote cited asks the exact same question: Can we pause what we’re doing and vote on the gun bill? Every time, Dold voted “No.”

(4) Dold’s “procedural votes” blocked the “No Fly, No Buy” bill from being voted on every time Democrats tried to offer it. That is an undeniable fact.

It is hypocritical and cynical to claim you never voted on a bill when that is true only because you stopped yourself from having the opportunity.

The procedural nuances Dold cites to rationalize his decision are not at issue because the result is clear. He was presented with the choice to either act on gun legislation or stick with his party. He chose the latter.

And here is how the nonpartisan publication The Hill described what happened (6/14/2016):

“House Democrats used a procedural vote for unrelated legislation Tuesday that, had it gone their way, would have forced a vote on a bill banning people on the FBI’s terror watch list from buying guns.

Democrats had previously tried the maneuver 11 other times for what they have deemed the ‘no fly, no buy’ bill in the aftermath of last year’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif.

In other words, Democrats offered the “No Fly, No Buy” bill during debate on other bills because Republicans would not allow the gun safety legislation to be considered at all. Ever. There is no other time for Democrats to try. That is why the votes appear to be related to other issues. Every vote referred to asks the same question: Can we pause what we’re doing and vote on the gun bill?

“Despite calling for a vote on the bill earlier in the day, Dold sided with fellow Republicans during Tuesday’s procedural vote. Centrist Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), meanwhile, was the only lawmaker who broke with his party.”

Dold voted “No.” Period. Even though he had called for lawmakers to be bipartisan and to act immediately, Dold then sided with his party to block the bill.