Tag Archives: RSS Tues Aug 13

Events: Move to Amend Greater Chicago North Meeting

When: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm sharp

Where: Northbrook Public Library, Pollak Room, 1201 Cedar Ln., Northbrook (Cedar and Cherry)

What: The agenda will include a report on the July 21 meeting to Overturn Citizens United with Jim Hightower and how inspired people were to join Move to Amend or one of the coalition groups in order to get involved in returning Democracy to the people by getting money out of politics. There will be discussion on ALEC and the August 8th rally, and further actions to take to promote an ALEC boycott. Additional steps in contacting elected officials and educating the public on work towards overturning Citizens United and related Supreme Court decisions will also be covered. Click here to sign up to join the group that will be contacting your congressperson.

For more information, contact Phyllis Goldman by email.