When: Thursday, July 25, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Where: The Bottle Shop, 1148 Central Ave., Wilmette
What: New Trier Democrats invite you to share conversation on state, county and national issues with elected office holders or their representatives in an informal setting. The event is free and open to the public, there will be free pizza and music and the cash bar is affordable. Background music will be provided by Rick Frank. For questions or more information, call 847-446-8030.
This event is paid for by New Trier Democrats and is not authorized by the above elected officials or their campaign organizations.
When: Thursday, July 25, 2013 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Where: Bake’s Sports Theme Restaurant, 33115 N. US Highway 45, Wildwood (next to Warren Electric, north of Illinois Route 120 & north of Center Street/Deerpath Ave.)
What: On the agenda will be discussion and planning of township-based voter registrar training, precinct committeemen training, planning/creation of cooperating precinct committeemen trainers, designing a Warren Township Dems identification card, volunteering for the Democratic Booth at the Lake County Fair, signing up for the Warren Township Dems booth at Gurnee Days on August 10 and 11. Near the end of the meeting will be “Round Table Politics IV,” where anyone may discuss at length any political topic they find important.
Due to a scheduling conflict, Democratic Candidate for Lake County Sheriff Jason Patt cannot speak at this meeting. Plans are to have Jason Patt and Democratic Candidate for Lake County Sheriff Wayne Hunter as Guest Speakers at the August 22 General Meeting.
For further information, call 847-223-0795, consult our website, or drop us a line at P.O. Box 8061, Gurnee, Illinois 60031.
When: Thursday, July 25, 2013. Reception 6:30, Performance 8:00 pm
Where: Ravinia Festival, 201 St. Johns Ave., Highland Park (on lawn by sculpture walk; look for red balloons). Please enter through the Main Gate.
What: You are cordially invited to a party in the park with Illinois State Senator Julie Morrison for a performance of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by James Conlon.
Individual tickets are $65. Family passes (up to 4 tickets) are $200. Sponsorships are available. For details and to arrange ticket pick up, send an email or call 708-307-9351. Checks can be made payable to “Julie Morrison for State Senate,” P.O. Box 646, Deerfield, IL 60015.