Tag Archives: RSS Sun Jan 12

Events: Stevenson Center of Demcracy Presents Susan O’Halloran’s “Story Power: Breaking through Compassion Fatigue”

When: Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Where: The Stevenson Center on Democracy, 25200 N St. Mary’s Rd, Mettawa

What: You are invited to join nationally known storyteller Susan O’Halloran for her presentation, “Story Power: Breaking through Compassion Fatigue.”

Tickets are $15 and may be reserved at 847-816-7433. Click here to register using Paypal.

Events: CAASE and NCJW Program: Sexual Exploitation in Chicago

When: Sunday, January 12, 2014 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Where: Wilmette Public Library, 1242 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette

What: You are invited to join Kaethe Morris Hoffer, Executive and Legal Director at Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) and the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) and co-sponsor the Congregation Hakafa Justice for Women Group to learn about the realities of the sex trade, prostitution and sex trafficking in Chicago, and the “End Demand” campaign. “On any given day there are an estimated 16,000-24,000 women and girls involved in prostitution-related activities in Chicagoland.”

Please RSVP by email.