November 14, 2013 – 10:46 pm
When: Monday, November 18, 2013 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Where: College of Lake County, Grayslake Campus, Atrium, 19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake
What: Bring your resume to be reviewed by professionals from various agencies and employers. Get direct feedback on exactly what interviewers are looking for when hiring. Be prepared with your questions and bring three copies of your resume. 20 minute session limit.
For more information, visit the Career and Placement Services website or call 847-543-2059.
November 5, 2013 – 12:30 pm
When: Monday, November 18, 2013 at 3:00 pm
Where: The Lake County Building, 10th Floor, Assembly Room, 18 N. County St, Waukegan
What: Want to help register new voters? Tenth Dems U invites you to a Deputy Voter Registrar training seminar! The seminars are conducted by the Lake County Clerk’s office and are for Lake County residents only. If you live in Cook County and want to become a Deputy Registrar, the training seminar date is Saturday, December 7. There are certain requirements. You must be 18 years old and registered to vote in the county where the training is being held. If you live in Lake County, you need to attend a training session in Lake County. Once you are trained to register voters in the county where you live, you can register voters anywhere in Illinois. We must also submit in advance your name, residential address, a phone number and an email address.
If you are interested, please RSVP here. For questions or more information, send us an email or contact us at 847-266-VOTE (8683).