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CONGRESS WATCH: Bob Dold Fails to Rise to the Historic Moment.

By Laurence D. Schiller

Just before midnight on Wednesday, July 8, Republican Jenny Horne rose in the South Carolina House to make an impassioned speech on behalf of her Charleston constituents.  She urged passage of a bill that would remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds, a flag that was first raised there in 1961 in defiance of the Civil Rights Movement.

“I cannot believe that we do not have the heart in this body to do something meaningful such as take a symbol of hate off these grounds … I’m sorry, I have heard enough about heritage,” said the descendent of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

With that, after 14 hours of debate, the South Carolina House complied. On Friday, July 10, the flag came down.

At nearly the same time as Horne’s emotional speech, House Speaker John Boehner tried to sneak an amendment onto a National Parks appropriations bill that would have allowed Confederate flags and symbols to continue to be displayed in the U.S. Capitol and in our national parks. Southern Republicans had pushed for the amendment, unhappy with calls to prohibit flying Confederate flags from public buildings—calls arising from the massacre of nine innocents in the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. But Democrats caught on and challenged the parliamentary maneuver. Caught off guard by the Democrats’ intense reaction, Boehner pulled the spending bill without a vote.

The next day, on July 9, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi introduced a privileged resolution instructing that

“the Speaker of the House of Representatives remove any State flag containing any portion of the Confederate battle flag, other than a flag displayed by the office of a Member of the House, from any area within the House wing of the Capitol or any House office building, and shall donate any such flag to the Library of Congress.”

(For the entire text of Minority Leader Pelosi’s resolution)

Pelosi’s resolution includes a statement of the historical fact that the Confederacy was a domestic insurrection against the United States and reasonably concludes that, as we do not allow the symbols of other groups opposed to the United States to exist in our public buildings and parks, we should not allow the symbol of the Confederacy to be displayed either. The flag in question, a rectangular variant of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag, was resurrected in the mid-20th century by Strom Thurmond’s Dixiecrats and the Ku Klux Klan with but one purpose in mind: to oppose rights for Americans of African descent.

Before a vote could be taken on the question of barring this symbol of hatred from the Capitol, Republican whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) moved to refer the resolution to the House Administration Committee for “committee action.” This was the very procedure McCarthy had used to kill a virtually identical bill that Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), the sole African American member of the Mississippi delegation, had introduced days after the Charleston church massacre.

Pelosi countered by calling for a roll-call vote on whether to refer her resolution to remove Confederate flags from the Capitol to committee rather than vote on the resolution itself.

At this historic moment, 10th District Congressman Bob Dold could have stood up against hatred, against the symbol proudly waved not only by Charleston killer Dylann Roof, but also, for decades, by groups opposing civil rights, including the KKK.

But Dold remained seated. He spinelessly went along with his party and voted to consign Pelosi’s resolution to committee oblivion—and thus to retain the symbols of hate within the U.S. Capitol.

History rarely gives a man the chance to stand up and be counted. Dold failed to seize his moment. He failed to do the right thing for his constituents and his country.

Shame on you, Congressman Dold!

August 2015 Newsletter

A Look at the History of Flags of the Confederacy

The flag that has been flying from so many public buildings in the South since the mid-20th century, which has mistakenly been referred to as “the Confederate flag,” was never the official flag of the Confederacy. Nor is that flag properly called “the stars and bars.”  “Stars and bars” refers to the first national flag of the Confederacy, with its three bars of red, white, and red with a blue canton with stars in the upper left hand corner. (For more about historic Confederate flags)

Flag and klan

The flag that the Ku Klux Klan used to terrorize African Americans wasn’t adopted until the mid-20th century.  It is a rectangular variant of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag.  The late Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina helped make this battle flag a symbol of the old South’s opposition to the Civil Rights Movement.

Strom Thurmond’s son Paul is now a member of the South Carolina Senate.  History came full circle in late June when South Carolina State Senator Paul Thurmond publicly supported an end to flying this flag.

Rauner “The Blunderer”

Newly-elected Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has been flexing his muscles.  He is refusing to negotiate budget issues with General Assembly Democrats unless they also make major concessions on his non-budget economic and social agenda.

Although potential government shut-downs are nothing to sing about, Rauner’s style of governing does lend itself to doggerel.  So feel free to put words to music, as we present:

THE BLUNDERER (Sung to the Tune of “The Wanderer” by Dion, with apologies to Dion)

Parody lyrics by Eleonora di Liscia 

Oh well, he’s the kind of guv thinks he’s been elected God

Wants to change the law, all he’s got to do is nod

Tried to pay his crony, took it out of the wrong fund

In the public sector, that just isn’t how it’s done.

He’s the blunderer, Bruce the blunderer

He stomps around and around and around…

Oh well, he wants to cut the budget, slashing items left and right

Making cuts to social services — some poor kids won’t eat tonight

Thought he’d take some out of pensions, they don’t need it anyway

But his wife wants a helper, so the state has got to pay

He’s the blunderer, Bruce the blunderer

He stomps around and around and around…

Oh well, he hasn’t got a clue

He goes through life without a care

He don’t think about me or you 

He’s an autocrat made of iron, and he’s taking us nowhere

Oh yeah, he told Illinois workers 60 thou’s too much pay

Coming from the guy who makes one fortyfive grand a day

He’s made war on all the unions; big business sings his praise

And his buddies in the state house they just got a big fat raise

He’s the blunderer, Bruce the blunderer

He stomps around and around and around…

Yeah, cause he’s a blunderer

Bruce, the blunderer

He stomps around, around, around

Cause he’s a blunderer

Bruce, the blunderer

He stomps around, around, around

Cause he’s a blunderer

Yeah, a blunderer…


Sharon Sanders Named Dean of TDU

We are pleased to announce that Sharon Sanders of Northbrook has been named Dean of Tenth Dems University (TDU). This program’s free courses and events offer a chance to become a more-informed voter as well as a more active and effective political volunteer. They also teach skills that political candidates can use. sharon sanders

Sharon Sanders has been a long-time volunteer and an integral part of Tenth Dems. She was named Rosenblit Volunteer of the Year in 2010. A former teacher and small business owner, Sharon has helped run our “Let’s Talk Politics” current events series, and many know her as an active progressive volunteer for important causes.

Community Partners for Affordable Housing Celebrates Community

By Amy Rosenfeld Kaufman

Supporters came out in full force to “Celebrate Community” with Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) at a sold out event on April 23.

The overwhelming support for CPAH and affordable housing was evident as CPAH resident Laurence Marks, a single father of four, told his compelling story of a family tragedy that turned his stable life upside down.  Fortunately, Laurence was able to move with his four children into a CPAH apartment, and he remarked that calling CPAH “was the best phone call I ever made.”

CPAH honored Jami Sharfman of Highland Park, Tom Morsch of Lake Forest, and Fred Wilson of Evanston for their significant efforts to help CPAH continue to provide affordable housing opportunities and stability for local low and moderate income households, like Laurence’s.

open housing

Tenth Dems was represented at the event by Founding Chair Lauren Beth Gash

Community Connection Corner: Dems, Mini-Dems, and ArtWauk

By Karen Singer

Saturday evening, May 16, was a beautiful night for ArtWauk in downtown Waukegan, and Tenth Dems was in enthusiastic attendance at the Community Connection office.

Tenth Dems Co-chair Bonnie Berger-Neel headed up the roster of participants, along with volunteers Carolyn Rivers, Joe Dubaniewicz, Deb Seed, and Karen Singer, as well as Tenth Dems intern coordinator Joel Spiegel and intern Peter Shin.

Adding even more life to the party were a few mini-Dems in the form of Bonnie’s and Carolyn’s grandchildren.

Later in the evening former 10th District Congressman Brad Schneider, who is running to regain his seat, came by with his wife, Julie.  They enjoyed conversations with ComCon attendees and passersby, as well as the wonderful art at Waukegan’s galleries.

The best part of the evening was talking to good people and letting them know about Community Connection’s presence in and contribution to the Waukegan community—that for Tenth Dems, politics is about more than elections. From conducting job interview training for ex-offenders to tending the community garden to holding an annual poetry/prose contest for high schoolers to participating in ArtWauk, Community Connection is actively engaged with the Waukegan community year round.

Artwauk with Brad

Stopping at Community Connection during ArtWauk, former 10th District Congressman Brad Schneider and wife Julie Dann step next door to Tufo Galerie for a photo with Patrick Tufo and musician