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Debate/Forum Watch Party House Location Needed

Want to open your house for a Democratic Debate/Forum Watch Party for Tenth Dems (we can limit attendees to what you are comfortable with having in your home – ideally like 30)? on either Friday Nov. 6th7 pm Rachel Maddow forum OR Saturday evening Nov. 14th8 pm on CBS. We can help you plan it. Please let Lauren Beth Gash know asap by contacting or call (847) 702-6635.

Democratic Debate Watch Party

American Democracy Legal Fund Files Ethics Complaint Against Bob Dold and 22 Other Republicans

The American Democracy Legal Fund has filed an ethics complaint against Bob Dold and 22 other Republicans for agreeing to provide details of their legislative strategies in exchange for “special attention” and “campaign cash” from the National Republican Campaign Committee.

The formal ethics complaint spells out how the “vulnerable Republican House Members are literally selling their legislative agendas to a political committee for campaign cash,” and states the intent of the contract is to “use the official resources available to [these Members] to coordinate…their legislative strategies…with the NRCC.”

Members of Congress are prohibited from using federal resources for campaign purposes. The ethics complaint can be accessed here.

Local Democrats in Highly Competitive Congressional District Seeking Graphic Designer

Highland Park — The Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) is looking for immediate help with graphic design.  An all-volunteer staff produces a graphics-intensive monthly newsletter, Tenth News. This widely praised newsletter consists of essays, news, and photos of interest to Democrats and progressives who reside in the 10th District and beyond and is delivered to many thousands of subscribers via email at the beginning of every month.

Interns work some more

 The graphic designers should want to make a difference for Democrats and know how to use InDesign or a similar program – or be willing to learn. Some creativity is possible, as is simply using the existing template.  Archived newsletters can be found at

College and high school students might be interested and qualified. College credit (and in some cases high school credit) is available.

Tenth Dems is a grassroots organization that works to elect Democrats at all levels within Illinois’ 10th Congressional District, home to one of the most closely watched, hotly contested 2016 races in the entire country.

For more information about the need for graphic designers or to volunteer, email or call 847-266-VOTE (8683).



What you don’t know about Bob Dold …

We just wanted to make sure you saw these two recent, shocking stories about Republican Rep. Bob Dold, as reported in Capitol Fax. These are the stories you won’t see in one of his splashy TV campaign ads next year, but it’s important you know what he’s doing when the cameras aren’t rolling.

1. Dold, a so-called independent voice, signed a secret contract with national Republicans. (Washington Post)

2. Dold also attended an invitation-only event with an anti-immigrant blogger whose site is funded in part “by groups with white-supremacy and hate group ties.” (Southern Poverty Law Center)


Bob Dold is not the independent, moderate representative he claims to be.

You Can’t Squeeze Politics Out at Remap Time


Redistricting – the process of redrawing Congressional and legislative districts after each census to ensure equal representationis full of political consequences. Which citizens are grouped together in a district helps determine the political leanings of representatives elected from that area, which in turn helps determine the partisan balance of Congress and the state legislature. That is why the Supreme Court has called redistricting an “inherently” political process.
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