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Double Talk Dold’s Actions Trump His Words

Waukegan, IL — Republican Congressman Bob Dold is in trouble this November. As he tries to hold onto his seat, Double Talk Dold continues to say one thing while doing another.

In 2014, Dold argued to 10th District voters that he was needed in Congress to break gridlock. Two years later, the GOP has become even more right-wing, so much so that Dold’s Republican Party is poised to nominate Donald Trump as its presidential candidate.

Dold is rightfully scared.  He told The Washington Post, “For me, it’s personal. [Trump’s] comments about women, his comments about minorities, about Latinos — for me that’s not a guy I would support” (The Washington Post, 2/22/16).

But posing as “not Trump” by avoiding inflammatory rhetoric is insufficient.

In response to Dold’s comments, Tenth Dems’ Founding Chair Lauren Beth Gash said, “It’s personal to 10th District voters that Bob Dold won’t endorse the Paycheck Fairness Act, voted for the ‘Let Women Die Act,’ and tried dozens of times to repeal Obamacare (Chicago Tribune, 10/16/14). That’s not a guy the 10th District will support this fall.” 

Desperate to appear untied to his unpopular party, Double Talk Dold now shrugs and says people should just ignore the fact that he’s Republican. This is the same Dold who signed a contract with national Republicans in return for strategic support and “a special pot of cash” (The Washington Post, 2/22/16). This is the same Dold who co-hosted a Chicago fundraiser for right-wing ideologue, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, last month (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1/26/16). It’s the same Dold who worked for Republicans Dan Quayle, Bob Dole, and Clinton conspiracy theorist Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN).

Dold can run from Trump’s words but he can’t hide from his own poor attempt to reflect the values of the 10th District.



Download this Application: application link click here for PDF form.

Attention high school students in Waukegan, North Chicago, and Zion.

The Community Connection* invites you to enter our Student Writing Contest.

  Hurry! Entries are accepted through March 18, 2016.

Poetry and Prose Awards Night is the week of April 18, 2016.

Two categories and six prizes:

  • Poetry: limit of 20 lines per poem
    • $150 for best poem; $100 for second-place poem; $50 for third-place poem
  • Prose (Essay or Short Fiction): limit of 600 words per piece
    • $150 for best piece of prose; $100 for second-place prose; $50 for third-place prose
  • Plus publication of the prize-winning pieces in Tenth News (an online newsletter)
  • All applicants receive a certificate of participation and an invitation to read at the 6th Annual Community Connection Poetry and Prose Awards Night, to be held one evening between the dates of April 18 and April 21, 2016. At that time the winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded.

Theme:  Justice – Justice is defined as the quality of being just, impartial, or fair.  Although often associated with the law, justice affects each of us—in our personal lives and in events on the world stage.  “Justice is sweet and musical, but injustice is harsh and discordant.” Henry David Thoreau

How does justice inspire your story, essay, or poem?


  • To enter this contest, you must be a high school student currently enrolled at one of the following communities’ public or private schools: Waukegan, North Chicago, Zion.
  • An applicant may send up to three Each requires a separate Application.
  • All submissions must be typed. Prose submissions must be double-spaced. Manuscripts will not be returned. Keep a copy. Do not send your only copy.
  • Do not put your name or any contact information on your manuscript. Send it in with a signed application form.
  • All entries must be received by Friday, March 18, 2016.

Please turn the entries into your school representative.


*Community Connection is the Waukegan office of the Tenth Congressional District Democrats, located at 118 N. Genesee Street.  Our work is guided by the principle that politics should be about more than just elections. It should be about people working together to build stronger communities.

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10th District Candidate Forums

Tenth Dems hosted forums with Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering on January 27th and February 10th. These forums are now available online for viewing.


See the Schneider forum here. See the Rotering forum here.

Schneider Forum                                               Rotering Forum

Letter to Rep. Bob Dold’s National GOP Supporters


National Republican Congressional Committee
320 First St., SE
Washington, DC 20003

America Rising PAC
P.O. Box 17251
Arlington, VA 22216

Dear Rep. Dold’s National Republican Supporters:

Welcome to Illinois’ 10th Congressional District! Based on your tweetstorm earlier this week, it’s clear you’re interested in our area. Your eagerness to help Republican Bob Dold keep his seat in Congress certainly clarifies things for voters, but your misconception about the 10th District is disconcerting.

It might be difficult to understand from Washington, DC, and Virginia, so we’ll help you—there is no “civil war” here. Democrats are choosing someone to once again reflect the values of the people of the 10th District. And, as you know firsthand, right-wing Republican political groups are united behind Bob Dold.

As the campaign heats up, don’t be discouraged if Bob Dold ignores you publicly while boasting about, as the very group in Washington tasked with electing more Republicans to Congress says, “independent and thoughtful leadership.” (Yes, it’s weird, NRCC, how you and his strategists use the same slogan!) Dold worked for Dan Quayle, Bob Dole, and even a Republican-led House Committee. He’s a GOP operative at heart, and he affirmed his loyalty when he signed that secret contract with the NRCC last year.

The same goes for you, America Rising PAC. You were created by staffers who tried to elect Mitt Romney in 2012. You supported climate change denier Joni Ernst (R-IA) in her 2014 Senate bid. You’re working to put a Republican in the White House in 2016. Now, Dold never mentions it, but he’s voted for the Ryan budget, against the Affordable Care Act, and even blocked a gun control bill he claims to support. He won’t say it, but he’s with you just like you’re with him.

Hopefully this helps. Feel free to say hi the next time you’re here. We have lots of wonderful restaurants and parks you’ve probably never visited. You should try them if you decide to help Republican Bob Dold in person. Otherwise, enjoy tweeting about the 10th District from Washington, DC, and Virginia.


Tenth Dems

Tenth Congressional District Democrats

Tenth Dems is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to electing Democrats to all levels of government in Illinois 10th Congressional District. Sign up for email updates.

Republican Dold Deserves To Give Party’s Response To State Of The Union Address

10250109_10152345788268756_7152906309193537781_nHighland Park, IL — Why won’t the Republican Party let Congressman Bob Dold give the GOP response to President Obama’s State of the Union address tonight? What he lacks in gravitas, Dold makes up for with deep partisan roots.

Nowadays, Dold either painfully avoids mentioning his unpopular political party or talks as if all he did was flip a coin to decide which party’s ticket to run on. But that’s preposterous. Dold worked for Vice President Dan Quayle and then on Bob Dole’s failed campaign to retake the White House for Republicans.

Then Dold joined other Republicans obsessed with investigating the Clintons as part of a congressional committee so reckless that it managed to embarrass even Newt Gingrich. When the Chairman of Dold’s committee (Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)) wasn’t busy shooting watermelons to desperately prove a conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton murdering her friend who actually had committed suicide, he was wasting taxpayer money on heavily-edited tapes to show that she was guilty of yet a different crime (The Washington Post, 1/31/12).

What more does Dold need to do to prove his Republican party loyalty, sign a secret contract? Well, he did that last year (The Washington Post, 9/3/15).

If the Republican Party wants a committed partisan to give its response to the President’s State of the Union address, it would do the right thing and let Bob Dold give it.