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Dold’s Double-Standard: Won’t Refuse Cruz

Republican Rep. Bob Dold Won’t Rule Out Supporting Ted Cruz’s Presidential Run

Dold_Bob1cruzfaceRepublican Congressman Bob Dold tried to score political points by distancing himself from Donald Trump. But when asked if he would support radical Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) if he were to win the presidential nomination of Dold’s Republican Party, Double-Talk Dold refused to say no. (Politico, 1/5/16)

Really, Congressman? Here is just a sample of things that show how out of touch Cruz is with 10th District voters. Cruz:

  • Posted to social media a photoshopped picture of President Obama wearing a crown, along with the words “Gun control is government control”. (Twitter, 1/5/16)
  • Called President Obama “an unmitigated socialist”. (Bloomberg Politics, 4/21/15)
  • Sponsored the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. (The Hill, 2/13/15)
  • Forced a government shutdown. (The Atlantic, 9/26/13)
  • Wants to outlaw a woman’s right to choose without exceptions for rape and incest. (The Huffington Post, 12/3/15)
  • Denies climate change science. (The Washington Post, 3/25/15)
  • Sponsored a bill to eliminate limits on campaign contributions. (The Hill, 6/3/14)

Bob Dold doesn’t find this disqualifying? Yes, Dold and Cruz both worked for Republican politicians before running for office (The Washington Post, 1/31/12; National Review Online, 3/27/15), but at least Cruz doesn’t masquerade as a non-partisan. Dold signed a secret contract with national Republicans last year. (The Washington Post, 9/13/15) Now he is pretending to have no ties to them.

For a multitude of reasons, Cruz is unacceptable to 10th District voters, and the Republican congressman’s refusal to reject him shows just how out of touch Double-Talk Dold is too.

Proud of 2015

An end-of-year message from Tenth Dems Chair Hon. Lauren Beth Gash.

Now that it’s the new year, you can purchase your 2016 membership and help elect Democrats to all levels of government in Lake and Cook Counties with our secure online contribution form.

Dear Friends,

As you consider end-of-year contributions, I hope you’ll give to Tenth Dems.

You’ve probably gotten a lot of other letters asking for money, and I wish I didn’t have to add to the pile — but if you’ve been to one of our offices, you’ll know we work hard and stretch every dollar.

Make a donation to Tenth Dems, and help elect Democrats in our area. Contributions over $35 for individuals or $60 for couples will be counted as 2016 membership dues.

In 2015, our members’ support has helped:

  • Plan free Tenth Dems U events throughout the district with speakers like columnist Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times, Ab Mikva and Adlai Stevenson on getting young people involved in politics, William McNary of Citizen Action, and a Women In Politics panel with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Donna Brazile.
  • Recruit nearly 100 new Deputy Voter Registrars who will register new voters in 2016.
  • Create new campaign buttons.
  • Support Democratic offices in Waukegan, Grayslake, and Highland Park.
  • Grow our Election Law and Voter Protection Team.
  • Reach tens of thousands of 10th District voters on our website, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Host a Poetry and Prose Contest for high school students.

There’s a lot more to be proud of, and so much work ahead.

Tenth Dems volunteers at our 2015 Annual Awards Dinner with Keynote Speaker David Yepsen who The Washington Post called the “King of the Iowa Caucuses”

Tenth Dems volunteers at our 2015 Annual Awards Dinner with Keynote Speaker David Yepsen who The Washington Post called the “King of the Iowa Caucuses”

I’ve always believed change starts at the neighborhood level, and that’s what Tenth Dems members do — right here in Lake and Cook counties, we fight for Democratic values like a woman’s right to choose, sane gun laws, and criminal justice reform.

I hope you’ll stand with us.

Please chip in $35 or more for a 2016 membership:

Happy New Year,


P.S. If you’d prefer to give over the phone, call 847-702-6635, or send checks to Tenth Dems at P.O. Box 523 in Deerfield, IL, 60015.


Econ. 101—The Myth of Trickle-Down Economics

This article is the third in a series.

By Larry A. Marks

Here is the logic. (It is highly flawed logic and I’ll explain why we already know that but the GOP is ignoring that fact.)

They say, businesses create jobs. (Okay. So far, so good.) They say, as businesses grow they will hire more people. (Uh, oh. The logic just got a bit shaky.) They say, more jobs mean higher payrolls and more people who can buy consumer goods. (That sounds good, but are they really hiring more people or paying higher salaries as they increase their profits?)trickledown

So what is going on?

I’m not going to look up the actual number, but of the top 20 companies in the U.S., I bet 12 of them pay no taxes at all other than payroll and real estate taxes.

How on earth can that happen? They are selling their products in the U.S., making money, tons of money in the U.S. How can they pay no taxes?

The GOP has been saying that it’s simple: these are the “job creators.” We need to give them more and more tax breaks so they will create more and more jobs.

This is the “trickle-down” theory. It’s total nonsense, and it’s easy to see that.

The so-called job creators are not creating new jobs in any substantial numbers. Still, the employment figures are improving.

So what is really happening? Who is creating these jobs?

This is a fairly simple question. The economy goes through patterns of boom and recession on a regular, but unpredictable, basis. When we slide into a recession, the job market is impacted very heavily. That is not the most important factor in measuring a recession, but if you are out of a job, it’s number one to you.

What industry sectors lose employment first? Service industries–architects, doctors, restaurants–really any business that sells services such as advertising, marketing, consulting, etc. The second sector to shrink is light manufacturing and retail, which is followed by heavy manufacturing.

When an economic recovery occurs, as we are seeing right now, the first sector to rehire is service, followed by light manufacturing and retail, and then finally heavy manufacturing (which hires many, many workers, often unionized.) So the new jobs we are seeing are in large part the old jobs that were lost due to the recession, and the bulk take the longest to come back because they are tied to heavy manufacturing.

Now, there are those who will say, “Yes, but, it’s much more complex than this.” Well, maybe. There are certainly more factors to be considered, such as how many jobs did the large companies push offshore to India, China, and other cheap labor countries that will come back slowly or not at all. But I would contend it’s all the same damaged and selfish thinking as not raising wages as profits soar.

So what happens when we cut taxes on companies? The owners, shareholders in those firms, make more money by profit distributions called dividends. What do the employees get? They get to keep their low-paying jobs. How does this help the economy? It doesn’t. It only helps owners of the firms.

Is this true for all companies?

No, there are some very well-run, highly ethical firms out there that work hard to be fair to their employees, firms like Berkshire Hathaway and Costco. There are also those firms that have to get hit on the head a few times but they finally see the light. That’s McDonald’s.

Then there are those that seem not to care at all about the U.S., companies like Mobil, Exxon, Walmart. I’m sure you know the list as well as I do.

What is the solution?

Taxes are as low right now as they were during the administration of Harry S. Truman. Think about that for a minute. As a country, we are massively more complex, have broad global interests and a military that keeps watch worldwide, and our richest taxpayers are paying taxes that would be familiar to Truman.

Do we need to raise taxes on everyone? No, we don’t. The middle class is pretty much choking right now. If we reversed all the tax gifts we have given to the corporations that are larger than $1 billion in revenue and added a small increase in taxes to our wealthiest citizens, the debt would begin to erode very quickly. If we continue to give tax breaks to those most easily able to pay taxes, you can count on a very slow-moving economy for a very long time.

2015 Annual Awards Dinner

Every year, we celebrate 10th District volunteer accomplishments with a dinner and awards ceremony. This year’s event was a big success! A standing room only crowd of more than 125 included candidates and elected officials from our area, last week in Deerfield.

Scroll down for photos from last week — then chip in $35 or more to be a part of this in 2016.

Co-Chair Bonnie Berger-Neel (pictured below) and Communications Director Eric Herman were recognized for their hard work organizing volunteers and preparing Tenth Dems communications for next year’s elections.

Keynote Speaker David Yepsen — who The Washington Post called the “King of the Iowa Caucuses” — kept the audience engaged with stories from his three decades reporting on Iowa politics at The Des Moines Register. He is currently director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University, which you can follow on Facebook.

One message was echoed throughout the night: Tenth Dems volunteers accomplished a lot in 2015 — but there’s still more work to do.

We need to continue to register voters, recruit volunteer leaders, and keep a spotlight on Republicans Mark Kirk and Bob Dold’s double-talk.

Reserve your 2016 Tenth Dems membership so local Democrats have the resources they need in the new year.

Also: Check out more photos from the fundraiser on Facebook.

Debate/Forum Watch Party House Location Needed

Want to open your house for a Democratic Debate/Forum Watch Party for Tenth Dems (we can limit attendees to what you are comfortable with having in your home – ideally like 30)? on either Friday Nov. 6th7 pm Rachel Maddow forum OR Saturday evening Nov. 14th8 pm on CBS. We can help you plan it. Please let Lauren Beth Gash know asap by contacting or call (847) 702-6635.

Democratic Debate Watch Party