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Congress Watch: Dold and Kirk Vote To Gut Medicare and Other Health and Social Programs, Increase Defense Spending, and Lower Taxes on the Wealthiest Americans

by Ronald Altman

Congress went home for another two-week vacation after the House passed a budget on a 228-199 party-line vote. If enacted, the House budget would gut the past 80 years of social legislation. The Senate passed the same budget with a 52-46 mostly party-line vote (Senators Cruz and Paul didn’t think it went far enough).

This reactionary budget did not receive a “yes” vote from a single Democrat in either house of Congress. Both Illinois Senator Mark Kirk and 10th District Congressman Bob Dold voted “yes.”

kirk dold
Since the 2010 midterm election results returned the Republicans to power and made John Boehner Speaker, deficit hawks led by Representative Paul Ryan have longed to take a hatchet to Democratic priorities. Until this year, Senator Harry Reid and a Democratic majority in the Senate had stood in the way of their plans. In fact, Congress has been so dysfunctional during the Obama administration that no budget bill has passed both houses since 2008.

But now the Republicans have their majority in both houses of Congress. Although the final Authorization and Appropriation Acts that will outline the severity of the damage remain to be passed, we can be sure that if this budget were enacted ours would become a radically different country.
Here are just some of the Republican budget priorities:

Conversion of Medicare from an Entitlement to a Refundable Tax Credit. Since passage in 1964, the Medicare Act has provided health insurance to Americans 65 years of age and older. This would change under the Budget Act of 2015. Those under age 56 in 2015 would not ever receive traditional Medicare benefits. Instead, they would receive a fixed refundable tax credit that they could use toward paying for health insurance purchased on the open market.

Dold and Kirk’s votes for this budget were votes to destroy Medicare.

Conversion of Medicaid to a Block Grant. Medicaid is a federal-state cooperative program with federal oversight and controls that pays for healthcare for needy aged, blind, and disabled people, as well as pregnant women and children. The 2015 budget bill would convert Medicaid to a federal block grant. A block grant is basically a fixed sum of money that the federal treasury doles out, with little or no oversight. The grantee state then uses the funds to pay for a portion of the costs of a series of programs, at the state’s discretion. Any remaining costs are the responsibility of the state, if it wishes to fund them.

Dold and Kirk’s votes for this budget were votes to deny healthcare to the poor, especially pregnant women and children.

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act. The budget bill fulfills the Republican dream of repealing Obamacare. It does not include any alternative for the more than 16 million Americans who have obtained health insurance through the Marketplace since 2014; it only instructs committees to find an alternative.

Without the Affordable Care Act, the more than 16 million enrollees would be thrown into the private health insurance marketplace without any of the current protections of Obamacare, or the subsidies that have made healthcare affordable to families earning less than four times poverty.

This would mark a return to the bad old days when Americans with any preexisting healthcare problem could not afford insurance, policies were subject to annual and lifetime payment limits, and policies often didn’t cover the full range of healthcare services.

Dold and Kirk’s votes for this budget were votes to deny more than 16 million Americans access to affordable healthcare.

Increased Defense Spending and Cuts to Social Spending. Over the past two years, the budget sequester that ended the 2013 government shutdown has reduced domestic and military spending equally and reduced the budget deficit from $1.33 trillion to $486 billion. The Republicans’ 2015 Budget Act raises defense spending to levels not seen since 2009. It then provides that spending for wars will be considered “emergency” off-budget spending, uncontrolled by the limitations of the sequester. At the same time, it cuts $2 trillion over the next 10 years from programs such as CHIP (children’s health insurance), food stamps, welfare, public transportation, and agricultural support

Dold and Kirk’s votes for this budget were votes to give priority to funding foreign wars over taking care of domestic needs.

Reduction of Tax Revenue. The 2015 Budget Act eliminates taxation of capital gains and dividends and lowers the maximum individual income tax rate to 35 percent. It also lowers the corporate tax rate to 25 percent and applies that lower rate to both normal C-corporations and so-called pass-through S-corporations. This means that self-employed individuals could lower their tax rate by 10 percent simply by forming a personal service or limited liability corporation.

Dold and Kirk’s votes for this budget were votes to reduce the taxes of the wealthiest Americans while offering no relief to wage earners.

A party’s budget proposals reflect the party’s priorities, and the Republicans’ 2015 Budget Act is no exception.  None of these priorities should be surprising; they all have been features of the Ryan budget for more than five years now.  What’s changed is that Ryan’s party now controls Congress.

Equally, the votes cast by congressmen and senators reflect the officeholders’ priorities.  By their support for this regressive, reactionary budget, Bob Dold and Mark Kirk have demonstrated that their priorities are not the priorities of voters in the 10th Congressional District, nor, we hope, of a majority of Illinois voters.

Both stand for reelection in 2016.  They must be defeated.

Monthly Newsletter: Packed with Pictures!

May cover newsletter

Tenth Dems May 2015 Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our May newsletter as a pdf file:

Tenth Dems newsletter May 2015

In this issue of Tenth News:

Hope Inspires High School Authors in Community Connection Writing Competition
by Carol Hillsberg
The night of April 14th was memorable for all who attended the Fifth Annual Community Connection Writing Competition, and Tenth News covered it all.

Two Iconic Illinois Democrats…
by Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
The latest Tenth Dems University session celebrated two giants of Illinois Democratic politics.

Congress Watch: Dold and Kirk Vote to Gut Medicare and Other Health and Social Programs, Increase Defense Spending, and Lower Taxes on the Wealthiest Americans
by Ronald Altman
Congress just recently completed the process of passing a budget, and both Bob Dold in the House and Mark Kirk in the Senate made sure their “Ayes” were counted toward this reactionary piece of legislation. How reactionary, you may ask? Let us tell you. Welcome to this month’s Congress Watch.

Why Our Restrictive Immigration Policy is Just Plain Wrong
by Barbara Altman
Immigration policy in America has gone completely off the rails, as the author of this story will passionately explain.

Ted Cruz Believes He’s the New Galileo
by Steven Gan
The race for the White House is heating up already, and the Republicans are contributing more than their share of hot air, and overheated candidates, to the mix, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

An Evening with Alan Grayson
by Adrienne Kirshbaum
The evening of April 8th, Pinstripes in Northbrook was rocking to the wit and wisdom of Rep. Alan Grayson.

State Senator Daniel Biss, a Pragmatic Advocate for Democratic Values
What is the Health Care Right of Conscience Act? It’s a piece of legislation in need of serious repair—so says Illinois State Senator Daniel Biss.

Paul Ryan praises “strong conservative” Bob Dold

Take it from Paul Ryan: Bob Dold is a “strong conservative.”

Rep. Paul Ryan added Rep. Bob Dold of Kenilworth to a list of his favorite GOP candidates running in 2016. Dold, who voted for the controversial Ryan budget, has a track record of voting with Republican leaders on key issues.Dold_Bob

Who are Ryan’s other picks?

— Climate science denier Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
— Koch Bros.-backed Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin)
— “Life Begins at Conception Act” co-sponsor Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)

A section of the website adds that Dold “shares Chairman Ryan’s vision.”

It’s no surprise to those who know him best — Dold voted for the infamous Ryan budget, which included major benefit cuts, and would end Medicare as we know it.

Full list on Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC site: HERE.



Rep. Alan Grayson speech to Coalition to Restore Democracy audience

On April 8, 2015, Congressman Alan Grayson spoke at an event in Northbrook sponsored by the Coalition to Restore Democracy. The videotape of that speech is presented here:


Click here to see videotape.

Monthly Newsletter: A bright future for local Democrats, Contrasting the Republican Presidential candidates, and more

Tenth Dem April screen grab

Tenth Dems April 2015 Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our April newsletter as a pdf file:

Tenth Dems Newsletter Apr. 2015

In this issue of Tenth News:

Jacqueline Herrera Giron for 9th Ward Alderman: A Tireless Advocate for Waukegan
 by Eleonora di Liscia
Just ahead of the April election, we profile Jacqueline Herrera Giron, the Democratic candidate for 9th Ward Alderman in Waukegan.

Local Democrats Express Ambitions for a Bright Future
by Claire Esker
A report of the Moraine Township Democrats’ pre- local election gathering with local officials, told in words and pictures.

Two Free Tenth Dems Events in April Focus on the Next Generation
The first full month of spring features two exciting events, both focusing on the next generation: a special Tenth Dems University presentation featuring two of Illinois’ most respected statesmen, Abner Mikva and Adlai Stevenson III, and the 5th Annual Community Connection Poetry and Prose Competition and Awards Night.    

The Top 10 Republican Presidential Candidates – The Cast of a New Reality TV Show?
by Steven Gan
Enjoy the author’s take on the top ten (well, 11, actually) Republican presidential hopefuls.

Distributed Solar: The Best Renewable Energy
by Donnie R. Dann
A standout among other forms of renewable energy, distributed solar is both wildlife-friendly and relatively low-cost.

Congress Watch: Kirk Signs Open Letter to Iran; Goes Along with Republican Leadership on Abortion Restrictions and Anti-Immigrant Homeland Security Funding Bills.
by Barbara Altman
Senator Mark Kirk portrays himself as a moderate voice in his party’s increasingly extremist caucus.  So why doesn’t he stand up to his caucus on important issues like immigration and women’s access to reproductive choice?  And could he really have read that open letter to Iran before he went along with the 46 other Republicans who signed it?

Believer by David Axelrod: A Story of Politics as a Calling
by Mark Rosenberg
Some thoughts about the recently-published memoirs of one of the most compelling Democratic political operatives of our time.