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2015 March Newsletter

Tenth Dems March Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our March newsletter as a pdf file:


In this issue of Tenth News:


If Marriage Equality Can Happen In Alabama, the Writing Is Clearly On the Wall
by Steven Gan
Even the infamous Judge Roy Moore couldn’t stop same-sex marriage in Alabama.

A Morning at the Job Interview Workshop
by Dave DuBordieu
A personal account of a morning in the life of a volunteer facilitator at the Tenth Dems Community Connection monthly job interview/job retention workshop.

Tenth Dems Enjoys Political Satire by the Capitol Steps
by Mark Levy
Tenth Dems members have made it their annual comic duty to see the Capitol Steps perform cutting-edge political satire, and this year’s performance did not disappoint.

Stand United in the Pursuit of Peace
by Karim Pakravan
Negotiations with Iran to prevent its becoming a nuclear power stand at a crossroads, and the stakes could not be higher. The perspective of one Iranian-American living in the 10th Congressional District..

The Affordable Care Act Five Years After Enactment
by Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
This landmark legislation is now five years old, and the second open enrollment season has just closed, so now is a good time to take a look at just how well the law known as Obamacare has worked.

Medicaid Expansion In Illinois Should Be Praised
by Julie Hamos
The decision to expand Medicaid in Illinois in 2013 has made much-needed healthcare available to more than a half-million Illinoisans. The benefits far outweigh the modest costs to the state, as the federal government is responsible for 100 percent of those costs through 2016.

King v. Burwell: The Latest Legal Assault on the Affordable Care Act
by Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
The latest Republican effort to undo the Affordable Care Act is being played out in the Supreme Court. What are the issues the Court has to decide, and what would be the consequences if the challenge succeeded?

Tenth Dems Community Connection 5th Annual Poetry and Prose Contest and Awards Night
This highly anticipated annual event is now set for Tuesday evening, April 14. Save the date.

All You Need Is Love…and Tenth Dems
by Lisa Radin
Last fall’s elections may be over, but there’s much to be done as the next cycle gets underway.  Beatles song titles proliferate in this description of what it means to be a part of Tenth Dems.

Mark Kirk Meltdown: From “Coffins” To Clean Bill?

After Mark Kirk took heat for his inflammatory remarks that Republicans “should build a number of coffins outside each Democratic office”if there was a terror attack during a potential DHS shutdown and that “all the dead Americans from [an attack] should be laid at the feet of the Democratic caucus,” it seems he has changed his tune after seeing some brutal poll numbers.

A new poll yesterday showed that voters in Illinois and several other key Senate battleground states were inclined to vote against Kirk and others who are driving the government towards a potential DHS shutdown. 47% of Illinois voters said they’d be less likely to vote for Kirk for tying DHS funding to immigration policy.

After seeing the polling, Kirk now “generally agrees with the Democratic position.”

Is he serious?

“After despicably remarking just yesterday that Republicans should build fake coffins in the event of a terrorist attack to score political points, Mark Kirk is clearly floundering as he attempts to change his tune on a clean DHS funding bill,” said Sadie Weiner, National Press Secretary at the DSCC. “Apparently it takes a day of bad headlines and some brutal poll numbers to convince Mark Kirk to stop being irresponsible, but the fact remains that Kirk has been along for the ride as the GOP majority has plowed ahead with absolutely no plan to fund DHS. Illinois families deserve better than a Senator like Mark Kirk who callously lobs political attacks in the face of a DHS shutdown then changes his tune the moment he fears for his reelection.”

The Affordable Care Act Faces Challenges in 2015

By Mark Rosenberg, M.D.

While most of us have resolved in the New Year to lose weight, exercise more, and promote peace on earth, the Republican majority in the 114th Congress has resolved to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”) for the 50th time. Not terribly surprising or even very original. What is original is what Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), Chair of the Senate Policy Committee, said on Meet the Press recently—that Republicans were trying to build consensus around one plan to replace Obamacare. After five years of attempts to repeal without offering a constructive replacement, the Republicans may actually come up with an alternative? Given the success of the ACA in lowering the rate of uninsured to under 13 percent (according to Gallup, a more than four percent drop since enactment) and thereby providing needed affordable health care to millions, I do not recommend you hold your breath waiting for an alternative that would actually pass Congress.ACA image

What the Republican Congress does plan to pass this session includes the following changes to the Affordable Care Act:

1. With the support of a number of Democrats, repeal the medical devices tax that is expected to generate about $30 billion over the next 10 years.

2. Revise the ACA’s definition of full-time employment from 30 hours per week to 40 hours per week. This measure already has passed the House.

3. Abolish the Independent Payment Advisory Board, whose mission is to recommend savings in Medicare without affecting coverage or quality of care. This is the entity that opponents of the ACA wrongly labeled a “death panel.” Note that the Board’s recommendations are already subject to Congress’ overruling them by a supermajority vote.

4. Abolish the Patient Centered Outcomes Effectiveness Institute, which examines disease treatment regimens for results and recommends effective treatments to medical providers.
Since President Obama holds a veto pen, the only way these proposals could become law is if enough Democrats vote with Republicans to override the veto. This appears highly unlikely, except perhaps in the case of repeal of the medical devices tax.

However, there are two other significant threats to the ongoing viability of the Affordable Care Act: the pending lawsuit, King v. Burwell [Secretary of Health and Human Services], and the number of states with Republican governors and Republican control of the legislature. Relying on some unartfully drafted legislative language, plaintiffs in the Burwell case contend that unless a state actually operates a Marketplace website of its own, the ACA doesn’t allow the federal government to provide financial assistance to citizens of that state who purchase health insurance on that exchange. If the Supreme Court upholds the plaintiffs’ case in court, low- and middle-income citizens of any state that opted to use the Federal exchange would lose the tax credits that lower their premiums, as well as any cost sharing that lowers their deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. Bottom line: millions of citizens no longer would be able to afford health insurance.

The second threat relates to those earning less than 137 percent of the federally-defined poverty level. Under the Affordable Care Act, these people are newly eligible for Medicaid, a state-federal partnership program; however, in the very 2013 decision that found the ACA to be constitutional, the Supreme Court also said that the federal government could not force a state to offer Medicaid to the newly-eligible poor, even if there was no cost to the state. After the states that had chosen to adopt this federally-funded Medicaid expansion last year showed such good results in lowering the number of uninsured, more states had been expected to opt into this federally-financed Medicaid expansion, but the election of more Republican governors and Republican legislatures may reduce the number of states willing to allow low-income families to obtain health care through Medicaid.

From all reports, as was the case last year, ACA enrollments this year will exceed expectations. Yet it appears that 2015 could be a crucial year for the continued success of this landmark legislation. Watch this space as Congress, the Supreme Court, and the states act.

PTSD, Guns, the NRA, and the Ku Klux Klan – A Very Lethal Cocktail

By Steven Gan

Ongoing news streams throughout my day. Like many of you, I glance at some of it for only a few nanoseconds. In other cases, I’ll actually put my work aside and read through the news bulletin.

So it was back in mid-December that I was surprised to read that after a 17-month delay, largely due to resistance from the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Senate confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy as the U.S. Surgeon General. The NRA opposed Dr. Murthy because he believes that gun violence is a public health issue.

As I read about Dr. Murthy’s confirmation, I learned that in October 2012 he had tweeted, “Tired of politicians playing politics w/guns, putting lives at risk b/c they’re scared of NRA, Guns are a health care issue.” Sadly and very ironically, two months after this tweet, 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, were brutally massacred by a gunman with a history of mental illness. Although the incident ignited the national debate about gun control with a new sense of urgency, Congress still has failed to take meaningful steps to reduce access to firearms to the mentally ill, or even to study how guns affect the health of U.S. citizens. Too many members of Congress fear the repercussions of standing up to the NRA.NRA PTSD

One huge reason for the absence of any study of the effects of gun violence on our citizens is that the premier public health research organization in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has been operating for almost two decades under a ban against such a study. In the 1990s, the NRA persuaded Congress to pass legislation forbidding the CDC from using federal dollars to promote or advocate gun control. The restriction has since been interpreted to mean that no government research can be conducted on how guns affect health, placing an effective chokehold on any such work at the CDC. This is but one stunning example of the power of the NRA. (See Paul D. Thacker, “How Congress Blocked Research on Gun Violence,” Dec. 19, 2012.

Right after I read about Vivek Murthy’s appointment, my regular subscription to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) newsletter arrived in my inbox. It’s always sobering to read this publication and learn about the ongoing hate in this country and how over the past three decades the SPLC has been aggressively fighting back against homegrown terrorist groups. As much as we shake our heads about the radicalism running rampant through Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and other groups in the Middle East, we’ve got plenty of bigoted and racist crazies who would like to take over our government right here in the United States.

One of America’s original hate groups that just won’t die is the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Over the last 150 years this group has grown, then almost shrunk to nothing, and then revived. It has reinvented itself many times over. These days, although the Klan is a shadow of its once monolithic self, several chapters have been trying to make a comeback. From handing out free bags of candy stuffed with anti-immigration literature to appearing in robes on the U.S.-Mexican border to protest President Obama’s executive action on immigration, the Klan continues to be an unusually weird and still dangerously viable organization.

The December SPLC newsletter included a very sad and frightening link to a three-part video about how a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Tupelo, Mississippi, is making an effort to recruit veterans. This campaign is not only because of veterans’ military training and expertise, but also because many vets return from war zones feeling lost and in need of “a family” of people who understand them. The KKK’s recruiting of veterans is not new, but what is different this time around is the knowledge that vets with PTSD make much easier, better, and more lethal Klan members. (See

Without long-term treatment, PTSD can cause severe delusions, schizophrenia, paranoia, and the like. With the VA’s backlog of treatment to our vets, many may “self-medicate” with alcohol and drugs, and some may be vulnerable to that camaraderie of KKK brothers who claim to “understand” them.

Those in our society with mental disorders who could have a violent mental meltdown at any time, including veterans suffering from PTSD, are the absolutely last people who should have access to guns—for their own safety, for their families’ safety, and for society’s safety. Is this not just common sense?

Unfortunately, common sense does not always rule. No matter how many people suffer from mental illness, no matter how hard hate groups like the KKK try to recruit veterans with PTSD, the NRA continues to ensure that the right to bear arms trumps all. Even though we’ve finally gotten a new surgeon general, the NRA’s stranglehold on our Congress blocks the very government-funded research that could lead to solutions that would make us all safer.

Congress Watch: Cong. Bob Dold Firmly on Board With House’s Right-Wing Agenda and Limiting a Woman’s Right to Choose

This will be a fascinating two years for Congress Watch.  Republicans not only control the entire 114th Congress; they also have increased their majority in the House. But we hope that will change in 2016.

Republican Congressman Bob Dold, who recaptured the seat he held in the 112th Congress, will have to face 10th District voters again in two years.  Former 10th District Congressman Brad Schneider has yet to say whether he will run again; and Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rodkin Rotering is seriously considering running for the seat.

Republican Senator Mark Kirk, now in the Senate majority, also will face a Democratic challenger in 2016.  According to the Chicago Tribune, 8th District Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth is seriously considering running against Kirk.  The Hill reports that although Duckworth may “clear the field,” 17th District Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, 11th District Congressman Bill Foster, and state Sen. Kwame Raoul also have expressed interest in challenging Kirk.  There are also reports that 2nd District Congresswoman Robin Kelly is considering a run.

play obgyn


This column plans to keep a close watch on Dold and Kirk.  When they campaign for reelection, we intend that readers of this column know exactly what relation the things these politicians say to voters bears to the things they actually do in Washington, D.C.




In the first three weeks of the 114th Congress, as of January 22, the Republican-dominated House has passed 12 bills.  Five of those passed with virtually unanimous votes; they related to such noncontroversial issues as terrorism risk insurance, FEMA response to wind storms, protection for emergency responders, suicide prevention for veterans, and incentives for private employers to hire certain veterans.

So let’s look at the seven bills the House passed over the opposition of most Democrats.  Bob Dold voted for six of them, as did virtually every other Republican member of Congress.  Specifically, this newly-elected Republican representative for the 10th District voted to shift funding for health care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) from corporations to taxpayers, to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, to weaken government regulation of private industry in general and the financial industry in particular, to make granting permits for natural gas pipelines the default, and to restrict women’s access to reproductive health services like abortion by prohibiting anyone from receiving tax credits under the Affordable Care Act if the insurance they purchase covers abortion services.  President Obama already has signaled his intention to veto some of these measures:

  • The “Save American Workers Act” continued the Republican effort to chip away at the ACA.  It will change the IRS definition of full-time employee from one working at least 30 hours to one working at least 40 hours a week.  Under the ACA, workers earning less than an amount calculated as 400 percent of the official poverty level may receive federal subsidies to purchase health insurance if they do not have employer-furnished health insurance. By excusing employers of 50 or more workers from providing health insurance to those working less than 40 hours a week (instead of only those working less than 30), the effect (and, likely purpose) of this legislation is to shift the cost of health insurance for more working Americans from private employers to the federal government – that is, us taxpayers.  All but 12 Democrats voted no; Republicans unanimously voted yes, including Dold.
  • Next, Dold joined every other Republican in voting to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, a measure opposed by many environmental groups, among others.  The President has said that he will veto this bill.
  • Dold also agreed with every other Republican to amend existing legislation so as to make it more difficult for all federal agencies to promulgate regulations and easier for regulated businesses to challenge federal regulations.
  • He also joined every other Republican to make requests for permits for natural gas pipelines deemed approved if not disapproved within 30 days.
  • Dold voted with his fellow Republicans to weaken Dodd-Frank, the legislation passed early in the Obama administration to curb some of the dangerous practices in the financial industry that contributed to the 2008 Great Recession.  The bill will delay the effective date of the Volcker Rule and allow large banks to hold on to certain risky securities until 2019. It also exempts private equity firms that conduct securities transactions from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s regulatory authority. And the bill makes risky derivatives trading less transparent.
  • Finally, despite his campaign claims that he supports a woman’s right to choose, on January 22, Dold joined every Republican but one and voted for the “Prohibit Taxpayer Funded Abortions Act.”  This bill prohibits individuals from using federal tax credits to pay for any health insurance plan that covers abortion.  In addition, any plan that offers abortion coverage would have to prominently display that information.  

This provision would have the effect of keeping health insurers from providing coverage for any abortion services.  A large number of those who purchase health insurance are eligible for tax credits to reduce their premiums, and under this bill they could not use the tax credits if the plan they chose offered abortion services.  This means that any insurers that wanted to remain competitive would have to eliminate abortion services from their plans or risk not selling any policies.

You may recall that just last November Dold ran as supporting a woman’s right to choose.  Here is what he said on his campaign website: “Protecting a woman’s right to choose is critical and I have a strong record of safeguarding women’s healthcare rights (and protecting their right to choose) during my time in Congress.”

It has taken newly-elected Congressman Dold just three weeks into his term to give the lie to this claim.

The single Republican bill Dold has not supported to date would tie funding of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to a number of anti-immigrant measures.  For example, the bill would void DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program instituted by President Obama to protect Dreamers from deportation.  Broadly, Dreamers are certain immigrants who entered the United States before age 16, live law-abiding lives, and are in school or serve in the military or hold a high school diploma or GED.

The President surely would veto this measure if it ever came to his desk.  However, it almost certainly won’t, even though Republicans control both houses of Congress.  This is because the bill is so extreme, and its tie to DHS funding so controversial—especially in the wake of the spate of terror incidents and threats in January in Western Europe and the U.S.—that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is unlikely to bring it to the floor.  According to pundits, Boehner only brought it up in the House in the first place to satisfy the diehard anti-immigrant sentiment in his caucus.


On January 12, Illinois Senator Mark Kirk voted with every other Republican, and 10 Democrats, in favor of cloture on the bill, already passed by the House, to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline.  As noted, the President has already said he will veto this bill.

Sen. Kirk is also promoting legislation in the foreign affairs arena that the President surely would veto.  Although, with Democratic Senator Bob Menendez as a cosponsor, it has a bipartisan imprimatur, the bill in question, “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015,” is seen by many as calculated to undermine the Obama administration’s ongoing effort to forge an international pact that will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

International negotiations with Iran are proceeding within the framework of an interim agreement under which Iran has largely frozen its nuclear program in exchange for relief from some international sanctions.  The interim agreement was negotiated in November 2013, between Iran on the one hand and the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany on the other.  The Kirk-cosponsored legislation would impose new U.S. sanctions on Iran if, upon expiration of the international interim agreement, there is no long-term agreement in place to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

According to the Obama administration, a U.S. law threatening new, unilateral sanctions would threaten the unity of the international coalition that has been working to force Iran to make concessions in exchange for sanctions relief.  Tenth Dems’ own Steve Sheffey, whose writing on this subject has been published in The Hill (Preventing Iranian nukes without further sanctions), as well as The Times of Israel (Iran Sanctions: Not a litmus test and Just say no to new Iran sanctions), wrote on January 18 in his weekly Chicagoland Pro-Israel Political Update, “Passage of such a bill would be viewed by Iran and our allies as needlessly provocative and as a sign of bad faith.”  Sheffey also quotes British Prime Minister David Cameron as saying that passage of this legislation “would ‘fracture unity’ among the international coalition that is confronting Iran.”

Thus, the question is not, as Kirk would have it, whether new sanctions would be advisable should negotiations end without an agreement that keeps Iran free of nuclear weapons.  Rather, the question is what good threatening such sanctions now could do, especially weighed against the harm that could ensue from unilateral U.S. action, whether to the negotiations themselves or the international coalition aligned against Iran.


On January 27, Sen. Menendez and other Democratic proponents of this bill withdrew support for Congress’ considering it any sooner than March.