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May 2016 Newsletter

May newsletter

Tenth Dems May Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our May newsletter as a pdf file:

In this issue of Tenth News:

10th District Unity Event Helps Kick Off Schneider Campaign

Young Writers Do Justice to Poetry and Prose

Congress Watch: Dold Joins Republican House Colleagues to Pass Anti-Consumer Telecommunications Bill     

Carol Sente Works to Break State Budget Impasse

State Senator Melinda Bush Announces Reelection Bid

Barney Frank Draws Standing-Room-Only Crowd in Support of Brad Schneider

Tenth Dems Leaders in Attendance at Reception for Tammy Duckworth

A Personal Perspective: When Will Republican State Governments End Their Assault on Their LGBT Citizens?

Democrats on Cook County Board Seek Ban on Business with States Enacting Anti-LGBT Legislation

What a President is—and Isn’t

TDU Hosting Renowned Political Commentator David Yepsen



10th District Unity Event Helps Kick Off Schneider Campaign

An extensive photo album documents how Tenth Dems, Jan Schakowsky, and other inspiring speakers came together to support Brad Schneider’s run against Republican Bob Dold. Founding Chair Lauren Beth Gash emceed for the capacity crowd at the UAW Hall.

Young Writers Do Justice to Poetry and Prose

By Adrienne Kirshbaum

The 6th Annual Community Connection Poetry and Prose Competition Awards Night was a moving, unqualified success. The inspiring high school student wordsmiths reading their original works made sure of that.

Congress Watch: Dold Joins Republican House Colleagues to Pass Anti-Consumer Telecommunications Bill

By Laurence D. Schiller

Our current do-nothing Congress occasionally rouses from its slumbers…to pass harmful legislation. Case in point: H.R. 2666, the anti-consumer telecom bill.

Carol Sente Works to Break State Budget Impasse

The Democratic state representative from the 59th legislative district organized a bipartisan event in an effort to find common ground for an Illinois budget.

State Senator Melinda Bush Announces Reelection Bid

Democratic notables, including former Congressman Brad Schneider, helped  State Senator Melinda Bush kick off her reelection campaign.

Barney Frank Draws Standing-Room-Only Crowd in Support of Brad Schneider

Former Congressman Barney Frank was as entertaining as he was persuasive as he rallied support for Brad Schneider.

Tenth Dems Leaders in Attendance at Reception for Tammy Duckworth

By Carol Hillsberg

At a reception in supporters’ living room, Tammy Duckworth impressed with her personal story and her political priorities, both in sharp contrast to those of Republican opponent Mark Kirk.

A Personal Perspective: When Will Republican State Governments End Their Assault on Their LGBT Citizens?

By Steven Gan

So-called “religious liberty laws”—read “freedom to discriminate laws”—seem to be all the rage in several Republican-controlled states governments these days.  But happily, even corporations are joining the backlash against this assault on LGBT Americans.        

Democrats on Cook County Board Seek Ban on Business with States Enacting Anti-LGBT Legislation

Even governments are taking action against red states’ anti-LGBT laws–governments dominated by Democrats, that is.

What a President is—and Isn’t

By Eleonora di Liscia

As the primary process moves into the home stretch, now would be a good time to examine the kinds of qualities a person needs to be the Leader of the Free World—the President of the United States. Does any of the Republican candidates measure up?

TDU Hosting Renowned Political Commentator David Yepsen

He was a hit at the Tenth Dems 2015 Annual Awards Dinner, and he’s returning on May 18 for a free Tenth Dems University event. Welcome back, David Yepsen.

At Awards Night, Young Writers Do Justice to Poetry and Prose

by Adrienne Kirshbaum

What would you say if you were asked to write about “Justice,” about what the word means to you and how it has impacted your life?  That was the assignment given to the more than 200 high school students who entered Tenth Dems Community Connection’s 6th Annual Poetry and Prose Competition.  And on Thursday evening, April 21, at the Ramada Inn Waukegan/Gurnee, a sizable audience made up of family, friends, and members of the community were privileged to hear readings of original poems and essays by a dozen or so of these bright, sensitive students.DSC06043

Competition participants attend Waukegan, North Chicago, Zion-Benton, and Cristo Rey St. Martin de Porres high schools.  They are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  They wrote about their own lives, the lives of others, things they’d seen, historical events, and events they’d only imagined.  Their writings revealed a social conscience and sophistication far beyond their years.

A panel of published authors judged the entries blind i.e., stripped of author identifiers.  There were separate competitions for poetry and prose, with first, second, and third place prizewinners in each category awarded $150, $100, and $50, respectively.  Prizewinners also received framed certificates, as did six students who earned honorable mentions, three in each categories.  At Awards Night, all participants also received a book bag and water bottle.DSC05960

The evening’s emcees, Dulce Ortiz and Hon. Marc Jones, invited the young authors to the podium to read their works.  Both were so warm and friendly that even some of the students who at first were reluctant to read to the audience were won over and decided to take part.  In a decorated with flowers, banners, and famous quotations about “justice,” these young people stood at a podium and read with poise and feeling.

Both volunteer emcees are lifelong residents of Waukegan with long and impressive records of service to their community.  Both are members of the Latino Coalition of Lake County, and Dulce Ortiz serves on the organization’s board.  Marc Jones, who serves as a Waukegan Park District Commissioner, has the distinction of being only the second African-American elected to the board in the Park District’s 99-year history.

The volunteers who judged the students’ work also have impressive backgrounds.  Lois Baer Barr, Associate Professor of Spanish at Lake Forest College, has published works in both Spanish and English.  Lois has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for both fiction and poetry.  Shanica Bell is a Christian minister and author, she edits a magazine and hosts an Internet radio show, and she is the CEO of a media marketing firm.  Herb Berman is a lawyer and labor arbitrator and co-founder of the Library Poets, a poetry workshop sponsored by the Deerfield Public Library. His poems have been published in many literary journals.  Mary Jane Gabrielsen is also a co-founder of the Libray Poets and an editor for East on Central literary journal.  Her poetry is published in The Avocet, and she has most recently collaborated with five other writers on a progressive novella due out in May.DSC05919

The judges were invited to read original works during the course of the evening, and those who were able to attend gladly complied, to the delight of the audience.  Judy Kaufman, Editor-in-Chief of East on Central literary journal and a longtime judge of past Community Connection Poetry and Prose competitions, gave opening remarks.

But the night belonged to the student authors.  One by one, they came to the podium and read their works.  The audience couldn’t help but be moved by their performances.  It was clear that these young people had talent and intelligence, and that the theme of “Justice” had inspired them to write great things.DSC05936

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April 2016 Newsletter

Tenth News Cover 4.2016


Tenth Dems April Newsletter

Please follow the link to view our April newsletter as a pdf file:

April 2016 Tenth News

In this issue of Tenth News:

We Must Demand Public Service, Not Lip Service

Post-Primary Wrap-Up: The 10th District’s Democratic Candidates in the November 2016 Election

Congress Watch: Party Matters – A Vote for Kirk and Dold is a Vote for McConnell and Ryan      

Volunteer of the Month: Laurie Schiller

Local Luminaries to Emcee Poetry Prose Awards Night

Schneider, Duckworth Nominated to November Ballot

A Presidential Campaign Like No Other

A Personal Perspective: Here We Go Again – Another Religious Liberty Law


We Must Demand Public Service, Not Lip Service
By Barbara Altman
The votes have been counted, the candidates selected. The primary is history. Now, Democrats must unite—and vote—in the general election this November. Every vote is important, and here are two of the many reasons why.

Post-Primary Wrap-Up: The 10th District’s Democratic Candidates in the November 2016 Election
In case you  missed some of the results, here is a list of the Democratic candidates competing in the fall election.

Congress Watch: Party Matters – A Vote for Kirk and Dold is a Vote for McConnell and Ryan
By Laurence D. Schiller
When you cast your vote for the Senate and House in the fall, bear in mind that party matters.  Here are some of the reasons why.

Volunteer of the Month: Laurie Schiller
By Eleonora di Liscia
Tenth Dems succeeds or fails on the strength of its dedicated group of volunteers. Tenth News regularly shares its space to tell you about some of these remarkable people. This month, meet Laurie Schiller, Democrat, historian, and renowned fencing coach.

Local Luminaries to Emcee Poetry Prose Awards Night
The 6th Annual Community Connection Poetry and Prose Competition Awards Night is coming up on April 21. Check out what the evening holds in store, including the names of this year’s emcees.

Schneider, Duckworth Nominated to November Ballot
Soon after the results from the Illinois primary came in, Tenth Dems issued press releases congratulating our nominees for the House and the Senate, acknowledging their primary opponents, and declaring our unity as we look forward to the fall election.

A Presidential Campaign Like No Other
By Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
You can toss out all the charts, graphs and every other tool of political prognostication. The 2016 campaign is taking us all on a journey into the unknown, whether we like it or not.

A Personal Perspective: Here We Go Again – Another Religious Liberty Law
By Steven Gan
It’s been nearly a year since marriage equality became legal in all 50 states. Not surprisingly, that hasn’t stopped Republican state legislatures from enacting laws that, although packaged as protecting religious liberty, are really intended to chip away at the rights of LGBT Americans.


Senator Melinda Bush Announces Her Re-Election Bid

State Senator Melinda Bush announced her campaign for re-election from the 31st District on April 2nd at the University Center at College of Lake County. There were many local officials including  County Board member Terry Wilke, County Coroner Dr. Tom Rudd , two State Central Committee Women (Lauren Beth Gash and Nancy Shepherdson) and five Democratic Township Chairs (Jim Neel/Warren, Hal Sloan/Grayslake, Peter Grant/Antioch Lauren Beth Gash/Moraine and Ed Irwin/Lake Villa) as well as many others. Also in attendance was former Congressman Brad Schneider who is running for election in the 10th Congressional District.
Bush-SchneiderBush announcement


Congratulations to Brad Schneider on winning the Democratic nomination in the 10th Congressional District race. We are looking forward to uniting behind Brad to win the general election and bolstering the ranks of Democrats in Congress.

Congratulations also to Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering who ran a campaign focused on improving our quality of life and advocating for those who do not have a strong voice. She and her supporters should be proud of their campaign and all that they accomplished. The energy they brought to this campaign will carry into the next round.


Whatever differences Brad and Nancy have pale in comparison to the differences between them and Republican Bob Dold. Both of our Democratic primary candidates were terrific. Dold’s Republican Party could learn a thing or two about having the sort of issues-oriented campaign Brad and Nancy had.

Throughout their primary, Brad and Nancy articulated the need to be represented once again by someone who reflects 10th District values. Nancy has pledged to fully support Brad in the general election, and we look forward to coming together with them to reclaim the 10th District for the Democrats.