Please follow this link to our Fifth Annual Special Literary Edition of the Tenth News. Read prize-winning poetry and short prose works written by high school students in Waukegan, Zion, and North Chicago. These students were honored last spring at the Tenth Dems Community Connection’s Fifth Annual Poetry and Prose Competition and Awards Ceremony. Their works were chosen from among several hundred submissions for recognition and cash prizes by our panel of judges, all of whom are published authors. You will be delighted and moved by the talent of these young people.
The American Democracy Legal Fund has filed an ethics complaint against Bob Dold and 22 other Republicans for agreeing to provide details of their legislative strategies in exchange for “special attention” and “campaign cash” from the National Republican Campaign Committee.
The formal ethics complaint spells out how the “vulnerable Republican House Members are literally selling their legislative agendas to a political committee for campaign cash,” and states the intent of the contract is to “use the official resources available to [these Members] to coordinate…their legislative strategies…with the NRCC.”
Members of Congress are prohibited from using federal resources for campaign purposes. The ethics complaint can be accessed here.
We just wanted to make sure you saw these two recent, shocking stories about Republican Rep. Bob Dold, as reported in Capitol Fax. These are the stories you won’t see in one of his splashy TV campaign ads next year, but it’s important you know what he’s doing when the cameras aren’t rolling.
1. Dold, a so-called independent voice, signed a secret contract with national Republicans. (Washington Post)
2. Dold also attended an invitation-only event with an anti-immigrant blogger whose site is funded in part “by groups with white-supremacy and hate group ties.” (Southern Poverty Law Center)

Bob Dold is not the independent, moderate representative he claims to be.
By Laurence Schiller
With Pope Francis’s visit to Congress a week from Thursday, some GOP Congressmen who know that he will make climate change a major part of his speech want to get on the record as agreeing with the Pope, Democrats, and the overwhelming majority of scientists who say the climate is changing and that human activity is to blame. However, it’s all for show. The non-binding legislation to be introduced by Republicans this Thursday (9/17/15) doesn’t actually propose any policies to reduce greenhouse gases, but merely calls for research into what could be done. Such Republican inaction is consistent with previous party unity against every climate initiative suggested by President Obama, from cutting carbon emissions by power plants to clean air and water rules enacted by the EPA this summer.
Of course, Republican Bob Dold immediately seized the opportunity to posture. Yet when it has come time to actually protect our environment, Dold has stood with his anti-environment colleagues. Just this past July, Dold voted with every other Republican member of Congress for HR 2647, “The Resilient Federal Forest Act of 2015.” The bill not only makes it harder to defend our national forests from intentional destruction, but it actually calls for more logging. So why was the bill passed by the Republican House? Because it would reduce the influence of the federal government and environmental protection organizations.
Once again, Dold’s record and rhetoric don’t match up. He voted for legislation that hurts the environment-and accelerates climate change-and then claims he might want to do something about it. It’s just more hot air from Republican Bob Dold.