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Republican Congressman Bob Dold’s Mike Pence Problem

Bob Dold’s Embrace Of Pence Foreshadowed His Own Anti-Women’s Choice Record

dold on floor of gop conventionDeerfield, IL — Was it worth the money? When he tried to get into office during the Tea Party wave of 2010, Republican Bob Dold (IL-10) had no problem taking $1,000 from then-Congressman Mike Pence. This foreshadowed Bob Dold’s consistent willingness to go along with the worst anti-choice elements of his Republican Party.

Back in 2007, Mike Pence sponsored legislation in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. Pence’s move sparked the battle over Planned Parenthood that shamefully continues to this day, in large part because Pence went after Planned Parenthood again and again and again.

Did Bob Dold not know or just not care about Pence’s anti-choice crusade when Dold took Pence’s money?

Now Bob Dold refuses to stop the destruction, especially to women’s reproductive rights, that would result from a Trump-Pence victory. In fact, rather than take on Pence, a darling of the Republican base that Dold needs to turn out in a competitive race, for his appalling record on women’s choice, Bob Dold headlined a “Beat Hillary” fundraiser instead. Why is Bob Dold trying to beat Hillary Clinton instead of stopping the only presidential ticket with someone — Pence — who signed eight anti-abortion bills into law?

And while Pence has garnered national notoriety for his radical right-wing agenda, Bob Dold has established a less high-profile yet harmful pattern of anti-choice behavior —NARAL said “Dold has spent his time in Congress obsessed with banning abortion and smearing Planned Parenthood”–that is out of touch with the 10th District:

  • Dold introduced a measure to withhold funding of Planned Parenthood for 90 days
  • Dold voted for the ‘Let Women Die’ Act that would have allowed hospitals to refuse life-saving care if it conflicted with their corporate religious beliefs
  • Dold has headlined campaign events for some of the most vehemently anti-choice Republican candidates in Lake County, including candidates supported by Pro-Life Victory PAC and Lake County Life PAC. This includes the legislator who led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood in Illinois. Nevertheless, Dold referred to this year’s Republican slate as “the strongest that I’ve seen certainly in my time in politics.”
  • Dold voted for the Conscience Protection Act — a bill praised by right-wing groups, it would undermine women’s ability to obtain safe, legal abortion care and put women’s health at serious risk in emergencies.

“Vulnerable politicians say a lot of things but true pro-choice advocates don’t do the things that Republican Bob Dold has done,” said Tenth Dems Managing Vice-Chair Barbara Altman. “People like Bob Dold enable people like Mike Pence. And the people of the 10th District deserve better.”


October Newsletter – Follow the Campaigns in Words and Pictures

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In this issue of Tenth News:

Brad Schneider: A Study in Decency

State Representative Lou Lang Gives the Lowdown on Gov. Rauner

Congress Watch: Doubletalk Dold’s Smoke and Mirrors

Off the Mark

Hillary Clinton — Two Rivers

In the Doldrums

Why Hillary?

Knocking on Doors

Melinda Bush, Agent of Change!

Laura Fine’s Environmental Town Hall

Buttons, Buttons — We’ve Got ‘em

Remembering Terry Blaurock

Free Event:  Debate Watch Party

Tim Kaine

First Responders Endorse Julie Morrison

A Personal Perspective: Trump Makes My Head Spin Off My Shoulders

Donald Trump — Projection Personified

Democrats Celebrate September Holidays


Brad Schneider: A Study in Decency

By Eleonora di Liscia

Brad Schneider has a long list of qualifications to merit being returned to Congress.  He’s also an exceptionally fine human being, as those who know him can attest.


State Representative Lou Lang Gives the Lowdown on Gov. Rauner

By Steven Gan

A recent Tenth Dems University event featured State Representative Lou Lang, Deputy Majority Leader of the Illinois House, who engaged a capacity audience with the inside story about Springfield today and Gov. Bruce Rauner.


Congress Watch: Doubletalk Dold’s Smoke and Mirrors

By Laurence D. Schiller

Bob Dold hypes his supposed support for legislation 10th District voters favor while his Republican colleagues make sure none of it comes to a vote on the floor.  In the same vein, he withholds an endorsement for Donald Trump while actively helping his party fundraise to defeat Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton — Two Rivers

By Anne Wedner

The candidacy of Hillary Clinton provides a unique opportunity to support someone who has devoted her life to public service—to promoting hope and opportunity over shame, sadness, and anger.


Why Hillary?

By Adrienne Kirshbaum

Another passionate endorsement of for Hillary Clinton to lead our nation focuses on Hillary’s superior qualifications, as well as the author’s unapologetic desire to see our country led by the first woman president.


Knocking Doors

Energetic Tenth Dems volunteers are knocking doors not only across the Tenth District, but also in neighboring swing states.


Melinda Bush, Agent of Change!

By Deborah Kadin

31st District State Senator Melinda Bush merits your support this November (and we have lots of reasons why); she also has a flock of endorsements (and we list a lot of them).


Environmental Town Hall

By State Representative Laura Fine

In cooperation with State Seator Daniel Biss and State Representative Robyn Gabel, the author, State Representative Laura Fine, hosted a Town Hall to educate constituents on a variety of environmental issues.  Representatives from the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council and local pro-environment organizations sent speakers..


Buttons, Buttons — We’ve Got ‘em

By Dottie Palumbo

Join Tenth Dems at the Bourse in Deerfield on October 23. You’ll see tons of campaign buttons, including Tenth Dems original designs.


Remembering Terry Blaurock

Tenth Dems lost a great friend recently. Let us tell you a bit about the extraordinary Terry Blaurock.


Tim Kaine

Our own Founding Chair was one of the luminaries to welcome VP candidate Tim Kaine to Chicago


First Responders Endorse Julie Morrison

Associated Firefighters of Illinois is just one of the many groups to recognize State Senator Julie Morrison for the work she has done to improve our state.


A Personal Perspective: Trump Makes My Head Spin Off My Shoulders

By Steven Gan

Our columnist tries to understand how promoting birtherism helped propel Donald Trump to national prominence.


Donald Trump — Projection Personified

By Georgia Carrasco

Did you ever notice that Donald Trump tends to accuse his opponents of committing his own sins?  That’s “projection.”


Democrats Celebrate September Holidays

Candidates celebrate Labor Day, Buffalo Grove Days, Fiestas Patrias, and other September events.

Rep. Dold chooses to “Beat Hillary” with pro-Trump group

Dold keeps his word to pro-Trump group, headlines anti-Clinton fundraiser

Double Talk Dold chooses to ‘Beat Hillary’, not to Stop Trump

Deerfield, IL — In a stunning display of campaign season hypocrisy, Republican Rep. Bob Dold (IL-10) recently headlined a “Beat Hillary” fundraiser for a pro-Trump group. This came after the vulnerable Republican politician tried winning praise by claiming to not support Donald Trump.

Bob Dold headlined the Lake County Republicans Central Committee’s “Beat Hillary at the Distillery” fundraiser on Saturday, September 10th, in Green Oaks. Dold was joined by fellow Congressional Republicans Peter Roskam, known for his role on the Benghazi Committee, and climate change denier Randy Hultgren. Dold also was joined by Chairman of the Lake County Republicans Central Committee, Mark Shaw.

Dold’s fundraising effort directly helps the pro-Trump group, a partisan political organization dedicated to supporting the Republican ticket. The group has purchased hundreds of Trump for President yard signs available on its website. At a minimum, Dold’s support can now buy even more Trump for President signs.

“Bob Dold can try but he isn’t fooling anyone,” said Tenth Dems Co-Chair Bonnie Berger-Neel. “Voters know when Dold and his fellow Republicans hurt Hillary Clinton, they help Donald Trump. And that’s just not the side 10th District voters want to be on.”

This is more of the same for Bob Dold. Despite attempts to publicly distance himself from other Republicans, Bob Dold recently attended a private fundraiser with Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan—a Trump endorser—and the head of Donald Trump’s fundraising operation in Illinois.


(from left to right—Rep. Peter Roskam, Rep. Bob Dold, Rep. Randy Hultgren, Mark Shaw)


(Chairman of the Lake County Republicans Central Committee Mark Shaw posing enthusiastically in a “Make America Great Again” hat next to a cardboard Donald Trump)


(Trump for President signs paid for by Lake County Republicans Central Committee)


(Rep. Bob Dold addresses the audience at the pro-Trump group’s fundraiser, “Beat Hillary at the Distillery”)


(Trump for President sign paid for by Lake County Republicans Central Committee)

Rep. Bob Dold led Clinton witch hunt with new Trump aide

dold on floor of gop conventionDeerfield, IL — Donald Trump’s new Deputy Campaign Manager David Bossie has spent decades attacking the Clintons. Before leading the right-wing group Citizens United, Bossie made waves with the infamous House Government Reform & Oversight Committee in the 1990s, where now-Republican Rep. Bob Dold was also a partisan Clinton “investigator.”

Facing tough poll numbers in his re-election bid and Trump’s unpopularity in the 10th District, Bob Dold has said he won’t support Trump—but he’s also not supporting Clinton either. Bob Dold’s refusal to support Trump’s challenger Hillary Clinton isn’t the only reason he would be welcome at Trump Tower:

  • Fresh out of law school, Dold “cut his teeth” as a partisan “Clinton investigator” for Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN). The committee Dold worked for was so extreme, House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it a “circus” and told Burton, “I’m embarrassed for you” (Washington Post, 1/31/2012).
  • As a Republican political operative in 1992 and 1996, Dold fought to keep the Clintons out of the White House.
  • This weekend Dold headlines a partisan “Beat Hillary” fundraiser for a pro-Trump group in Lake County.

Bossie and Dold’s investigation was, at best, wasteful and partisan. In a desperate attempt to tarnish the Clintons, subpoenas were given to the wrong people, witnesses were startled by overzealous investigators, and procedural norms were ignored. It was described as “a case study in how not to do a Congressional investigation and a prime example of investigation as farce” (Los Angeles Times, 5/2/98).

David Bossie has been called a “dogged anti-Clinton sleuth” (Eric Schmitt, New York Times) for his work that “helped craft the anti-Clinton playbook in the ’90s, digging up dirt as early as 1992 on the family, and played an instrumental role in turning the Whitewater scandal into the sacred right-wing text it is today” (Alex Shephard, New Republic).

“It’s obvious that Republicans from Donald Trump to Bob Dold, from David Bossie to the Lake County Republicans, are gearing up to try to defeat Hillary Clinton,” said Tenth Dems Managing Vice-Chair Barbara Altman. “Voters aren’t fooled—when Bob Dold and his fellow Republicans hurt Hillary Clinton, they help Donald Trump. That’s just not the side 10th District voters want to be on.”

September Newsletter: Right before Congress went on vacation…

Sept2016 newsletter screenshot


In this issue of Tenth News:

Steven Gan: Volunteer of the Month

Congress Watch: Double Talk Dold Votes for Anti-Choice Legislation

In the Doldrums

How I Became an Enthusiastic Volunteer for Hillary Clinton: A Personal Journey     

A Personal Perspective: Trump’s Desperation

Weekend “Days of Action” Activate Volunteers for Julie Morrison

Show Your Support for Democrats with Tenth Dems Campaign Gear

Democratic Candidates and Supporters Turn Out in Force During Gurnee Days

Photo Gallery

Off the Mark


Steven Gan: Volunteer of the Month

By Avital Raff

September’s Volunteer of the Month is none other than regular Tenth News contributor Steven Gan who recently published a book about his experiences as a businessman in Japan. You’ll find that Steven’s story itself is a must-read.

Congress Watch: Double Talk Dold Votes for Anti-Choice Legislation

By Laurence D. Schiller

In the days before Congress took a lengthy summer hiatus, the House quietly passed a piece of legislation called the Conscience Protection Act of 2016, which will limit women’s reproductive choices.  And Bob Dold was there helping his fellow Republicans get it passed.

In the Doldrums

Bob Dold says he’s not supporting Trump, but he sure is working against Hillary Clinton.

How I Became an Enthusiastic Volunteer for Hillary Clinton: A Personal Journey

By Bonnie Bernstein Levy

The author shares her personal journey.  Her childhood enthusiasm for Democrats like JFK has been reignited, and she now is working hard to make Hillary Clinton our next President.

A Personal Perspective: Trump’s Desperation

By Steven Gan

Our regular columnist offers his take on the status of Trump’s campaign and how the candidate is dealing with a raft of setbacks in August.

Weekend “Days of Action” Activate Volunteers for Julie Morrison

Two recent events helped galvanize State Senate candidate Julie Morrison’s 2016 campaign.

Show Your Support for Democrats with Tenth Dems Campaign Gear

You can help support Democrats by purchasing Tenth Dems’ custom-made buttons and bumper stickers and other campaign gear.

Democratic Candidates and Supporters Turn Out in Force During Gurnee Days

By Bonnie Berger-Neel

August 13 and 14 were big days for Warren Township Democrats at Gurnee Days, including the appearance of a slew of local candidates.

Photo Gallery

Peruse photos from such events as Gurnee Days, the Lake County Fair, and Tenth Dems voter registration activities.

Off the Mark

Republican loyalist Mark Kirk has been fully on board with the Republican plan to obstruct President Obama’s agenda from day one.