RSS Events

A Night Out at Carnivale Chicago Supporting State Rep. Joyce Mason

When: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 6:00 to 8:00pm

Where: Carnivale Chicago, 702 West Fulton Market St., Chicago

What: An evening at Carnivale Chicago in support of State Representative Joyce Mason and some of her colleagues. To RSVP, visit

Antioch Easter Parade with Lake Dems and Antioch Democrats

When: Saturday, March 30, 2024. Line up: 10:00am; Step off: 10:30am

Where: 900 Skidmore Dr., Antioch; by the band shell just west of Main Street (Rt. 83) in downtown Antioch

What: Walk with Lake County Democrats and Antioch Township Dems in the Antioch Easter Parade. Wear your blue Lake Dems T-shirt, if you have one. To RSVP, email

Cookies and Conversation at Lake County Democratic Waukegan Headquarters During ArtWauk

When: Saturday, March 16, 2024 from 5:00 to 7:00pm

Where: Lake County Democratic Waukegan Headquarters, 228A N. Genesee St., Waukegan (across the street from the Genesee Theater)

What: Please join us for another of our Cookies and Conversation events on Saturday, March 16, at 5pm in Waukegan. This event is an opportunity to talk with like-minded Democrats about the 2024 election – and is an important step toward making a difference as we fight to protect reproductive freedom, save our democracy, and prevent gun violence.

We’ll meet at the Lake County Democratic Headquarters in Waukegan, 228 N. Genesee (across from the Genesee theater). This event is during ArtWauk, a festive monthly event the third Saturday of each month in Waukegan. Galleries and other venues in the Arts & Entertainment District, where our office is located, are open to passersby and celebrate the city’s growing art community.

We’ll be having these casual discussions throughout the year all over Lake County as we head toward the November election. Open to Democrats. To RSVP (or if you’d like to help plan or host a conversation in your area), email with “Conversation” in the subject line.

Wauconda Township Democrats March Meeting

When: Wednesday, March 20, 2024, from 7:00 to 8:00pm

Where: Online via Zoom

What: The March meeting of the Wauconda Township Democrats. Various political topics will be covered, including trustee updates. For Zoom link, email

Maria Peterson Online Town Hall on Gun Safety

When: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 7:30 to 8:30pm

Where: Online via Zoom

What: Maria Peterson, candidate for State Representative, District 52, is a gun safety advocate, a member of Moms Demand Action, and has been endorsed by Everytown. She welcomes special guest Angela Ferrell-Zabala, first-ever Executive Director of Moms Demand Action. Register here.