Take it from Paul Ryan: Bob Dold is a “strong conservative.”
Rep. Paul Ryan added Rep. Bob Dold of Kenilworth to a list of his favorite GOP candidates running in 2016. Dold, who voted for the controversial Ryan budget, has a track record of voting with Republican leaders on key issues.
Who are Ryan’s other picks?
— Climate science denier Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
— Koch Bros.-backed Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin)
— “Life Begins at Conception Act” co-sponsor Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
A section of the website adds that Dold “shares Chairman Ryan’s vision.”
It’s no surprise to those who know him best — Dold voted for the infamous Ryan budget, which included major benefit cuts, and would end Medicare as we know it.
Full list on Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC site: HERE.