When: Sunday, February 23, 2014 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Where: Hackney’s on Lake, 1514 E. Lake, Glenview
What: Please join Democrats of Northfield Township, Democratic Committeeman Mike Kreloff and Democratic candidates Daniel Biss, Laura Fine, Robyn Gabel and Elaine Nekritz at this fundraiser to support candidates who will go on to the November ballot. All local and state candidates in the March 18 primary election have been invited. Judge James Kaplan has been endorsed by the five township Democratic Committeepeople for the 12th Judicial Subcircuit. Appetizers, beer, wine and fountain drinks are included.
Individual tickets are $60 and sponsorships are available. Pay online at ActBlue, pay in advance or at the door, but please RSVP by email or at 847-998-1002. Make checks payable “Democrats of Northfield Township” and send to 1926 Waukegan Road, Suite 310, Glenview, IL 60025.