When: Friday, May 31, 2013. VIP Reception 4:30 pm, General Reception, Dinner and Silent Auction 5:30 pm
Where: Hyatt Deerfield, 1750 Lake Cook Rd., Deerfield
What: You are invited to the YWCA Lake County 35th Annual Women of Achievement Awards Dinner featuring keynote speaker Lilly Ledbetter and the 2013 Honorees: Claudia Freeman, Arts & Culture; Jan Bauer, Business; Mary Ross Cunningham and Susan Garrett, Civic Leadership; Smita Shah, Civic Leadership; and Megan Isabelle Ramirez, Dr. Minnie J. Leggette Scholarship Recipient.
Make your reservation by clicking here. General Registration $100, VIP Registration $150. For more information, please contact Bonnie Bates at 847-406-5688 or by email.