Preserving Social Security & Medicare Educational Program in Waukegan

Date: Monday, April 30, 2012

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm

Location: Waukegan Public Library, Ray Bradbury Room, 128 N. County St.,  Waukegan

Contact: Please RSVP by email to Emily Stuart or call 312-427-2114, ext. 207.

Setting the record straight:  As the national debate about America’s most successful retirement security programs heats up, it is critically important to know the facts about Social Security and Medicare.  The Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans invites you to an educational program that will:

  • Debunk the myths surrounding Social Security
  • Explain the proposed cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
  • Outline smart solutions to strengthening these programs
  • Give you tools to join the campaign to preserve America’s retirement security programs

 State programs that impact retirees will be discussed.   Refreshments will be served.  This event is free.

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