Weekly Update: Lake Dems Were Everywhere!
Democrats walked in Fourth of July parades all over Lake County to celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s birth. Lake Dems volunteers, elected officials, candidates, and Democratic interns joined us at events marking the day. We hope you will enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed the moments that made them possible.
Lake Dems is grateful for our many active volunteers. Click here if you’re interested in helping.
Thanks to our Lake County Democrats who participated in parades all over Lake County — and an extra thanks to all who walked in the pouring rain in Mundelein!!
We love to include event photos in our newsletter! To be considered for inclusion, please send yours to info@lakedems.org with a brief description of the event. Have an event coming up? To submit future events for consideration for our website and emails: lakedems.org/submit-an-event.
Fremont Township Dems 10th Birthday Dinner. 6:00pm, Mundelein. More.
Joint Town Hall with Sen. Julie Morrison and Reps. Tracy Katz Muhl and Bob Morgan. 6:00pm, Northbrook. More.
Lake Villa Dems July Meeting. 7:00pm, Lindenhurst. More.
Fundraiser on the Chicago River for Nabeela Syed. 6:30pm, Chicago. More.
Knock Doors to Win Over Wisconsin (WOW!) 10:45am, various Lake County locations. More.
State Rep. Laura Faver Dias’ Booth at Grayslake Farmers Market. 3:00pm, Grayslake. More.
House Dems Blue Wave Fest DNC Kick-off Fundraiser. 6:00pm, Chicago. More.
Indivisible Western Lake County (IWLC) July Meeting. 7:00pm, Lindenhurst. More.
How Do I Join Lake County Democrats?
Lake County Democrats is made up of people like you, people who are passionate about building better communities and a better world. We’re a grassroots political organization, working with Democrats in all parts of Lake County – from Antioch to Highland Park, Libertyville to Waukegan, Barrington to Zion. Become a member online now (individual: $35/couples $60 – though more is always appreciated), or send a check payable to Lake County Democrats to P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Questions? Contact info@lakedems.org.

This article appears in Tenth News, our monthly 10th Congressional District newsletter. Read the full newsletter for free, or sign up for emails on the first of every month.
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