Bob Dold, Stop Supporting Donald Trump

10250109_10152345788268756_7152906309193537781_nDouble Talk Dold’s actions don’t match his campaign season rhetoric

Deerfield, IL — The Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) calls on Congressman Bob Dold to stop supporting Donald Trump. Voters turned off by and fearful of the prospects of a Trump presidency want to know: What exactly is Bob Dold doing to stop Donald Trump? While he repeats a talking point that sounds significant, Bob Dold shows a troubling unwillingness to stop Trump.

Republican Bob Dold told the public that he can’t support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, that he’ll write-in a mysterious other person. Just this past weekend, Dold was asked by radio host Bill Cameron who he was going to write-in for President. Bob Dold responded, “Well, I haven’t figured out who I’m going to write-in” (Connected to Chicago with Bill Cameron, 8/14/16).

It’s no surprise Bob Dold can’t suggest a single alternative with a plausible chance to deny the White House to Trump. None of what Dold says shows an actual effort to stop Trump.

Even worse, Bob Dold is headlining a Republican “Beat Hillary” fundraiser with two other Republican members of Congress.

“10th District voters aren’t fooled by Bob Dold’s games. They know that stopping Trump means doing everything possible to actually stop Trump, the least of which is supporting the only person with a reasonable chance of defeating him. Bob Dold can’t say he doesn’t support Donald Trump when he’s actually working to beat Hillary Clinton,” said Tenth Dems Managing Vice-Chair Barbara Altman.

Bob Dold’s inner turmoil about how he would feel in the voting booth is meaningless. What matters to the people of the 10th District is whether Trump is elected. Dold should stop talking about how his vote makes him feel and start acting to stop Donald Trump.

In fact, Double Talk Dold’s partisan anti-Clinton fundraiser proves that his comments have been nothing but empty rhetoric. Only someone content with Trump winning the election would pay lip service to voters and the press, promise something that can’t be proven, and then take no action to stop Trump.

It’s clear that’s the path Bob Dold has chosen. Dold is working to help elect Trump while telling the public he doesn’t support him. Bob Dold should stop supporting Trump and actually start showing people how he is going to stop him.

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