
Congratulations to Brad Schneider on winning the Democratic nomination in the 10th Congressional District race. We are looking forward to uniting behind Brad to win the general election and bolstering the ranks of Democrats in Congress.

Congratulations also to Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering who ran a campaign focused on improving our quality of life and advocating for those who do not have a strong voice. She and her supporters should be proud of their campaign and all that they accomplished. The energy they brought to this campaign will carry into the next round.


Whatever differences Brad and Nancy have pale in comparison to the differences between them and Republican Bob Dold. Both of our Democratic primary candidates were terrific. Dold’s Republican Party could learn a thing or two about having the sort of issues-oriented campaign Brad and Nancy had.

Throughout their primary, Brad and Nancy articulated the need to be represented once again by someone who reflects 10th District values. Nancy has pledged to fully support Brad in the general election, and we look forward to coming together with them to reclaim the 10th District for the Democrats.




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