Monthly Archives: February 2016

Double Talk Dold’s Actions Trump His Words

Waukegan, IL — Republican Congressman Bob Dold is in trouble this November. As he tries to hold onto his seat, Double Talk Dold continues to say one thing while doing another.

In 2014, Dold argued to 10th District voters that he was needed in Congress to break gridlock. Two years later, the GOP has become even more right-wing, so much so that Dold’s Republican Party is poised to nominate Donald Trump as its presidential candidate.

Dold is rightfully scared.  He told The Washington Post, “For me, it’s personal. [Trump’s] comments about women, his comments about minorities, about Latinos — for me that’s not a guy I would support” (The Washington Post, 2/22/16).

But posing as “not Trump” by avoiding inflammatory rhetoric is insufficient.

In response to Dold’s comments, Tenth Dems’ Founding Chair Lauren Beth Gash said, “It’s personal to 10th District voters that Bob Dold won’t endorse the Paycheck Fairness Act, voted for the ‘Let Women Die Act,’ and tried dozens of times to repeal Obamacare (Chicago Tribune, 10/16/14). That’s not a guy the 10th District will support this fall.” 

Desperate to appear untied to his unpopular party, Double Talk Dold now shrugs and says people should just ignore the fact that he’s Republican. This is the same Dold who signed a contract with national Republicans in return for strategic support and “a special pot of cash” (The Washington Post, 2/22/16). This is the same Dold who co-hosted a Chicago fundraiser for right-wing ideologue, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, last month (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1/26/16). It’s the same Dold who worked for Republicans Dan Quayle, Bob Dole, and Clinton conspiracy theorist Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN).

Dold can run from Trump’s words but he can’t hide from his own poor attempt to reflect the values of the 10th District.


Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) Dinner with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Dick Durbin

When: Friday, April 29, 2016.  Reception at 4:30pm, dinner and program at 5:30 sharp

Where: Hilton Chicago, 720 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL

What: ELPC’s 2016 Dinner and Celebration featuring keynote address by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and special remarks by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).

For more information, click here.

To purchase tickets online, click here.

Feelin’ the Bern

When: Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 10:00 – 11:00am

Where: Dunkin Donuts, 1169 Old McHenry Rd., #120a, Buffalo Grove, IL

What: A gathering of Bernie supporters to share coffee and talk about experiences, phone banking, canvassing, flyering, lawn signs, etc.

To RSVP online, click here.

For questions, call Donna at 847-400-4589

Bernie’s Lawn Sign Drive-Thru

When: Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 10:00am – 12:00 noon

Where: Horcher’s Farm, 910 McHenry Rd., Wheeling, IL

What: An opportunity to pick up a Bernie lawn sign and buttons by driving through Horcher’s U-shaped driveway.

To RSVP online, click here.

For questions, call Donna at 847-400-4589

Pulitzer-Prize-Winning Play “Proof,” Co-sponsored by NAMI CCNS (National Alliance on Mental Illness Cook County North Suburban)

When: Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 8:00pm

Where: Oil Lamp Theater, 1723 Glenview Rd., Glenview, IL

What: NAMI CCNS co-sponsors the 2001 Pulitzer-Prize and Tony-Award-winning play “Proof” by David Auburn.  There will be an introduction to the play and a brief discussion afterwards about the challenges of mental illness for a father and his daughter.

Free parking next door.

To reserve complimentary tickets visit and use the code spark or call 847-834-0738.