An end-of-year message from Tenth Dems Chair Hon. Lauren Beth Gash.
Now that it’s the new year, you can purchase your 2016 membership and help elect Democrats to all levels of government in Lake and Cook Counties with our secure online contribution form.
Dear Friends,
As you consider end-of-year contributions, I hope you’ll give to Tenth Dems.
You’ve probably gotten a lot of other letters asking for money, and I wish I didn’t have to add to the pile — but if you’ve been to one of our offices, you’ll know we work hard and stretch every dollar.
Make a donation to Tenth Dems, and help elect Democrats in our area. Contributions over $35 for individuals or $60 for couples will be counted as 2016 membership dues.
In 2015, our members’ support has helped:
- Plan free Tenth Dems U events throughout the district with speakers like columnist Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times, Ab Mikva and Adlai Stevenson on getting young people involved in politics, William McNary of Citizen Action, and a Women In Politics panel with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Donna Brazile.
- Recruit nearly 100 new Deputy Voter Registrars who will register new voters in 2016.
- Create new campaign buttons.
- Support Democratic offices in Waukegan, Grayslake, and Highland Park.
- Grow our Election Law and Voter Protection Team.
- Reach tens of thousands of 10th District voters on our website, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Host a Poetry and Prose Contest for high school students.
There’s a lot more to be proud of, and so much work ahead.

Tenth Dems volunteers at our 2015 Annual Awards Dinner with Keynote Speaker David Yepsen who The Washington Post called the “King of the Iowa Caucuses”
I’ve always believed change starts at the neighborhood level, and that’s what Tenth Dems members do — right here in Lake and Cook counties, we fight for Democratic values like a woman’s right to choose, sane gun laws, and criminal justice reform.
I hope you’ll stand with us.
Please chip in $35 or more for a 2016 membership:
Happy New Year,
P.S. If you’d prefer to give over the phone, call 847-702-6635, or send checks to Tenth Dems at P.O. Box 523 in Deerfield, IL, 60015.