Waukegan Main Street is seeking a full-time professional to head our organization as Executive Director. Applicant needs to be results oriented, high energy, collaborative and creative, and experienced in economic development. Waukegan, Illinois is a city of 90,000+ and our ED will serve as liaison between our organization and a 15-member working board as well as City staff, community, state and national organizations, and volunteers. Job duties include directing and implementing annual work plans in accordance with the Main Street approach, maintaining and growing an annual budget of approximately $150K, and coordinating 150 volunteers. Bachelor’s degree, excellent communication and organizational skills are required; marketing, volunteer management and fundraising experience preferred. Salary package negotiable. Forward resume to Ms. Jamie O’Meara via email to jobs@waukeganmainstreet.org, or by mail to Waukegan Main Street, 214 W. Washington Street, Waukegan, IL 60085. Deadline April 6, 2015. For a complete job description, click here.
When: Friday, March 14, 2025 from 5:30 to 8:00pm Where: Club Tikki, 3500 Sunset Ave., Waukegan What: Waukegan Mayoral Candidate Sam Cunningham Meet and Greet Fundraiser. To RSVP call 847-980-5750.