Reception or Dinner with President Obama Benefits DSCC and Friends of Dick Durbin

When: Thursday, May 22, 2014. Reception 5:00 pm, Dinner 6:30 pm

Where: Address provided upon RSVP. Guests may only attend one event.

What: Senator Michael Bennet, Chair, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Senator Dick Durbin, Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, cordially invite you to an evening with President Barack Obama to benefit the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Friends of Dick Durbin.

Due to timing restrictions all guests may only attend one event. Reception Guest ticket is $1000 per person and sponsor levels are available. Dinner guest tickets are per couple or per person and may be purchased online. For further information, please contact Rachel H. Weiser by email or at 202-314-3234 or Nancy Kohn by email or at 313-527-3667.

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