Rally in Chicago to Oppose Supreme Court Decision

When: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Where: Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn (at Jackson), Chicago

What: The Supreme Court announced their 5-4 decision in favor of McCutcheon vs FEC today, so come with your friends and family to the Rally in Federal Plaza to let the media and the Congress know that concerned citizens won’t stand for a ruling that is bent on destroying our Democracy. We can’t let the likes of the 1 per centers buy our elected officials. Bribery is not legal! Bring your signs (and show your opposition to this decision that builds on Citizens United.

From Mother Jones: “In their dissent, the court’s four liberal justices called their colleagues’ logic ‘faulty’ and said it ‘misconstrues the nature of the competing constitutional interests at stake.’ The dissent continues, ‘Taken together with Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, today’s decision eviscerates our Nation’s campaign finance laws, leaving a remnant incapable of dealing with the grave problems of democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.'”

Adam Liptak, in the New York Times: “It did not affect familiar base limits on contributions from individuals to candidates, currently $2,600 per candidate in primary and general elections. But it said that overall limits of $48,600 by individuals every two years for contributions to all federal candidates violated the First Amendment, as did separate aggregate limits on contributions to political party committees, currently $74,600.”

And also: “Dissenting from the bench, Justice Stephen G. Breyer called the decision a blow to the First Amendment and American democracy. ‘If the court in Citizens United opened a door,” he said, “today’s decision may well open a floodgate.’”

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