Kurth Lampe Training Seminar for Local Office Seekers

When: Saturday, February 22, 2014 from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Where: The CivicLab, 114 Aberdeen St., Chicago

What: The CivicLab and Kurth Lampe, the Chicago-based strategic communications firm, are offering the training seminar “Running For Local Office – Campaigners Training”. Attendees will get the “playbook” for planning and running a grassroots, principled campaign for local office, including relevant campaign laws and deadlines, the basics of messaging and fundraising, staffing and volunteer management, Get Out The Vote, and other tools and resources for progressive candidates.

The seminar costs $125 and includes hand-outs, a USB drive with material covered, snacks and a taco lunch. All attendees must register and pay online using EventBrite.

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