When: Monday, December 16, 2013 from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
Where: IIT Hermann Hall, 3241 S. Federal St., Chicago
What: The Campaign for Better Health Care (CBHC) will embark on 25 years of Health Care Justice with their plans for 2014 to “Inform, Implement and Improve.” The focus of the 2013 Annual Meeting will be to build on the Affordable Care Act legislation to make healthcare reform a reality.
Meeting Schedule: 8:00 am: Continental Breakfast and Networking; 9:00 am: CBHC Year Review Update; 9:30 am: Get Covered Illinois Outreach and Enrollment Team; 9:45 am: Panel Discussions: 1. Update on Get Covered Illinois; 2. National Stakeholders: Next Steps in the National Debate: 2014 and Beyond; 3. Illinois Stakeholders: What do we need to do in 2014? The next 5 years and Beyond; 12:00 pm: CBHC Annual Awards.
Click here to reserve a table. For questions, contact Kathleen Duffy, Events and Communication Organizer, by email or at 312-913-9449.