When: Wednesday, April 17, 2013. In Springfield from approximately 12 noon until 5:00 pm. Sign up here.
Where: Illinois State Capitol, Springfield
What: The Coalition to Overturn Citizens United and Get Money Out of Politics will be in Springfield to lobby for public financing of elections and many related issues. Join the effort to put Joint Resolution SJR0027 on the Illinois ballot, an important step in campaign finance reform. Training on what to say will be given en route. If you go, you will have lots of fun, and you will feel good about what you are accomplishing.
Transportation and food will be coordinated once people have signed up to go. The bus charge is estimated to be $20 per person. Coalition representatives are available to speak with people who would like more information on joining the coalition and the trip to Springfield. Contact Kaye Gamble at 630-975-8326 or Benjamin Singer at 312-685-1222.