PDA and Avon Progressives Canvass, Phone Bank, Free Pizza and Stewart-O’Reilly Debate

When: Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 2:00 – 9:00 pm

Where: American Legion Hall, 111 E. Main St. (Rte. 134), Round Lake Park

What: Progressive Democrats of America and Avon Progressives will hold their monthly party with a full schedule starting with canvasing and phone banking from 2:00 – 6:00 pm. Come with a cell phone or good walking shoes. Literature and scripts will be available for PDA endorsed candidates, Chris Kennedy and Dennis Anderson, as well as literature for other candidates in the area and any other candidates who provide their literature to PDA.

At 6:00 pm, buy a drink to support the American Legion Hall, feast on free pizza, turn in your materials, and enjoy the mixer. Watch live streaming of the debate between John Stewart and Bill O’Reilly.

Spend all day or just part of the day.

Contact: To RSVP or for more information, contact Jeanne Marie Dauray at 224-338-8205 or send her an email.

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