Women’s Rights at Risk: Northwest Suburbs of Chicago for Obama Discussion in Schaumburg

Date: Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Schaumburg Township Public Library, Rasmussen South Room, 2nd Floor, 130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg

Contact: RSVP online.

If you are a woman, or have a woman in your life you care about, you will want to attend this discussion about women’s rights and how they are being threatened. Hear a physician talk about what women have to lose if the Affordable Care Act is repealed, hear an attorney and member of NOW discuss equal pay for women, and learn what a leading activist with Tenth Dems says about how voter suppression may affect millions of women. Come and add your voice to the discussion and find out the plans to counter the attacks.

The Schaumburg Township District Library provides Library Meeting Room space as a community service. The Library neither sponsors nor endorses this event nor the presenting individual(s) or organization(s).

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