Candidate Program at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park

Date: Sunday, February 5, 2012

Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am

Location: North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, 1175 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park

Contact: For more information, send an email to Michael Simkin, Chair.

The public is invited to a special voter education program to meet the Democratic primary election candidates. There will be a short presentation by the candidates running for U.S. Congress in the 10th District: Vivek Bavda, Aloys Rutagwibira, Brad Schneider, Ilya Sheyman, and John Tree; for State Senate District 29, Julie Morrison and Milton J. Sumption; for State Representative, District 58, Scott Drury; for Clerk of the Lake County Circuit Court, Cynthia Pruim Haran; for Coroner, Thomas A. Rudd and Artis Yancey; for Recorder, Mary Ellen Vanderventer; for State’s Attorney, Chris Kennedy, Reginald C. Mathews, and Karen Boyd Williams.

The Men’s Club, Sisterhood and the Synagogue do not endorse or support a candidate or a political party. A similar program is scheduled for Republican primary election candidates.

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