Date: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Location: Mercy Hospital, 2525 S. Michigan Ave., 12th Floor, Great Room, Chicago
You are invited to attend a panel discussion on the topic “Developing a Consumer-Focused Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace” with Julie Hamos, Andrew Stolfi, Craig Conover (Invited), and Jim Duffett with keynote speaker Dr. James Galloway, Assistant U.S. Surgeon General, HHS Region V. The new director of HHS Region V, Kenneth Munson, will be welcomed.
A position paper has been prepared by Health Care Justice Campaign and can be read here. HCJC asks organizations to formally sign on to this position ASAP. You are asked to join them to stand firm for a consumer-friendly marketplace not controlled by insurance company interests.