Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Location: Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve, on Sheridan Road at Old Elm Road and Simonds Way, Highland Park. Maps and directions are found on their website. Meet at the top of the stairs leading to the beach.
Contact: For questions about the cleanup, contact Lake County Forest Preserves Environmental Educator Jennifer Sazama at 847-968-3482, or send an email to Anne Flanigan Bassi or Jonathan Schlesinger.
The event is being led by Lake County Forest Preserve Commissioner Anne Flanagan Bassi, Jonathan Schlesinger representing Plants of Concern, Judy Johnston and Charla Reinganum of the Highland Park League of Women Voters, and Highland Park residents Debi Gordon and Nicole Patel. Come for as long as you can, and bring your own work gloves and drinking water, if possible. Supplies will be available if you are unable to bring them.