Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm; Optional program 6:00 pm, $30 at the door, free for students with ID but you must register. Address below.
Location: Gage Gallery, Roosevelt University, 18 South Michigan Ave., Chicago
Contact: For more information, send an email to Eli Fishman, Jewish Labor Committee, Chicago. To arrange for car pooling, call Tenth Dems at 847-266-VOTE (8683).
Featured speakers are Prof. Jo Ann Argersinger, author of The Triangle Fire: A Brief History with Documents; Rima Lunin Schultz of Chicago Area Women’s History Council; and panel members who will discuss the significance of the fire and its impact on the labor movement and social reform. The PBS American Experience film, “Triangle Fire,” will be shown.
The program is co-sponsored by American Society of Safety Engineers, Chicago Area Women’s History Council, Chicago Labor and Arts Festival, Chicago Women’s Liberation Union Herstory Project, Illinois Labor History Society, Jewish Labor Committee, Roosevelt University Dept. of History, UIC Dept. of History, and Working Women’s History Project.
At 6:00 p.m., join the Working Women’s History Project for their gala at 430 S. Michigan Ave. A new play on the Triangle Fire, music, refreshments, and a panel discussion are included.