Mark 90th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote with League of Women Voters: See “Iron Jawed Angels” in Wilmette
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Wilmette Theatre, 1122 Central Ave., Wilmette
Contact: For more information, contact Libby Bankoff, Director of Programs, The League of Women Voters of Wilmette at 847-256-7509 or by e-mail. The cost of admission is $5.00 and includes a small bag of popcorn.
The movie, Iron Jawed Angels, starring Hilary Swank, tells the story of many of the young women who took part in the decades-long struggle to win the right for women to vote nationally.
The League was formally organized in Chicago as the National League of Women Voters on February 20, 1920, six months before the 19th amendment to the Constitution was ratified.
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