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In this issue of Tenth News:
Brad Schneider: A Study in Decency
State Representative Lou Lang Gives the Lowdown on Gov. Rauner
Congress Watch: Doubletalk Dold’s Smoke and Mirrors
Off the Mark
Hillary Clinton — Two Rivers
In the Doldrums
Why Hillary?
Knocking on Doors
Melinda Bush, Agent of Change!
Laura Fine’s Environmental Town Hall
Buttons, Buttons — We’ve Got ‘em
Remembering Terry Blaurock
Free Event: Debate Watch Party
Tim Kaine
First Responders Endorse Julie Morrison
A Personal Perspective: Trump Makes My Head Spin Off My Shoulders
Donald Trump — Projection Personified
Democrats Celebrate September Holidays
Brad Schneider: A Study in Decency
By Eleonora di Liscia
Brad Schneider has a long list of qualifications to merit being returned to Congress. He’s also an exceptionally fine human being, as those who know him can attest.
State Representative Lou Lang Gives the Lowdown on Gov. Rauner
By Steven Gan
A recent Tenth Dems University event featured State Representative Lou Lang, Deputy Majority Leader of the Illinois House, who engaged a capacity audience with the inside story about Springfield today and Gov. Bruce Rauner.
Congress Watch: Doubletalk Dold’s Smoke and Mirrors
By Laurence D. Schiller
Bob Dold hypes his supposed support for legislation 10th District voters favor while his Republican colleagues make sure none of it comes to a vote on the floor. In the same vein, he withholds an endorsement for Donald Trump while actively helping his party fundraise to defeat Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton — Two Rivers
By Anne Wedner
The candidacy of Hillary Clinton provides a unique opportunity to support someone who has devoted her life to public service—to promoting hope and opportunity over shame, sadness, and anger.
Why Hillary?
By Adrienne Kirshbaum
Another passionate endorsement of for Hillary Clinton to lead our nation focuses on Hillary’s superior qualifications, as well as the author’s unapologetic desire to see our country led by the first woman president.
Knocking Doors
Energetic Tenth Dems volunteers are knocking doors not only across the Tenth District, but also in neighboring swing states.
Melinda Bush, Agent of Change!
By Deborah Kadin
31st District State Senator Melinda Bush merits your support this November (and we have lots of reasons why); she also has a flock of endorsements (and we list a lot of them).
Environmental Town Hall
By State Representative Laura Fine
In cooperation with State Seator Daniel Biss and State Representative Robyn Gabel, the author, State Representative Laura Fine, hosted a Town Hall to educate constituents on a variety of environmental issues. Representatives from the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council and local pro-environment organizations sent speakers..
Buttons, Buttons — We’ve Got ‘em
By Dottie Palumbo
Join Tenth Dems at the Bourse in Deerfield on October 23. You’ll see tons of campaign buttons, including Tenth Dems original designs.
Remembering Terry Blaurock
Tenth Dems lost a great friend recently. Let us tell you a bit about the extraordinary Terry Blaurock.
Tim Kaine
Our own Founding Chair was one of the luminaries to welcome VP candidate Tim Kaine to Chicago
First Responders Endorse Julie Morrison
Associated Firefighters of Illinois is just one of the many groups to recognize State Senator Julie Morrison for the work she has done to improve our state.
A Personal Perspective: Trump Makes My Head Spin Off My Shoulders
By Steven Gan
Our columnist tries to understand how promoting birtherism helped propel Donald Trump to national prominence.
Donald Trump — Projection Personified
By Georgia Carrasco
Did you ever notice that Donald Trump tends to accuse his opponents of committing his own sins? That’s “projection.”
Democrats Celebrate September Holidays
Candidates celebrate Labor Day, Buffalo Grove Days, Fiestas Patrias, and other September events.