Tenth Dem joins Lake Dems to co-sponsor a tutorial on campaign finance on Wednesday evening, April 12th, from 6 to 7pm. As a Continuing Legal Education provider, Tenth Dems and Tenth Dems University are able to offer an hour of continuing legal education credit to attorneys who attend the hour-long program. We’ve also requested approval for legal ethics credit for the program. Presented by prominent election attorney Ross Secler, this training should be valuable for candidates, treasurers, lawyers, accountants, and interested campaign volunteers.
When: Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 2:00 to 3:00pm Where: Brushwood Center, 21850 N. Riverwoods Rd., Riverwoods What: Brushwood Center celebrates Women’s History Month with an afternoon of chamber music featuring works written and performed by women. RSVP here. For additional information, email pnelson@brushwoodcenter.org.